Saturday, February 5, 2022

Contoh Kalimat Too Dan Enough

Contoh Kalimat Too Dan Enough

contoh kalimat gambungan too enough sama enough too masing - masing 5?

Daftar Isi

1. contoh kalimat gambungan too enough sama enough too masing - masing 5?

Mungkin gini ya...
Too enough
* my mother too enough bring the dishes
*the teacher too enough give homework
*boby too enough eat
*she too enough study
*lala too enough sleep
Enough too
*this house isbig enough too
*that car cheap enough too
*the apartment is clean enough
*the museum is creepy enough too
*your story can make me mad enough too
#maap klo salah

2. Buatlah contoh kalimat Too dan Enough ...masing² 5 contoh tiap pengelompokan Too dan Enough...?



1. He is too old to play with us.

2. My brother is too short to replace the lamp.

3. The tea is too hot to drink.

4. They are too kind to be hurt.

5. She is too beautiful to be the journalist


1. You are not fast enough to fix this problem.

2. They are dilligent enough to do the homework.

3. My father is dicipline enough to come on time in his office

4. My mother is tidy enough to arrange the house.

5. She is beautiful enough to dance the dancing.

3. bentuk kalimat Too dan Enough. tolong berikan contoh kalimat Too dan Enough masing-masing 5!

I can’t go. I am too tired The voice is too loud The house is too big. She is too busy These shoes are too small for me. I have enough money . Is there enough salt in the kitchen? We cannot play soccer today because we do not have enough players. This ruler is not long enough.jawab:
I can’t go. I am too tired The voice is too loud The house is too big.
She is too busy These shoes are too small for me.
I have enough money .
 Is there enough salt in the kitchen?
We cannot play soccer today because we do not have enough players.
This ruler is not long enough.

4. contoh kalimat penggunaan kata enough very dan too

He is old enough to go abroad on his own
She is very proud of her son for winning a football match
It is too late for you to say sorry

5. Contoh kalimat too dan enough menggunakan kata kerja

i am lazy enough to eat
i am to lazy to eatI'm bored enough to eating outside
I'm too bored to play with kids because I'm already teenager
My stomach is too full because i eat to much
I'm too lazy to go outside

6. membuat 3 kalimat dari too,enough,dan not enough​


hei Ben i want to eat ok, wait i want to eat too

IM so full that enough

my baterei is not enough because i want too schhol


maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu


3 kalimat too:

□ Just like you, I like it too

□ I like apple too

□ Lisa likes reading and Sarah does too

3 kalimat enough:

- That's enough for me

- I've been patient enough

- That's enough to pay off our debt

3 kalimat not enough

- That's not enough for them

- That's not enough to pay off our debt

- I want to eat again. it's not enough for me


jika jawaban ini sangat membantu tandai sebagai jawaban terbaik

7. buatlah contoh kalimat bahasa inggris , dari kata-kata berikut : 1.Close (Enough) 2.big ( too ) 3. far ( too ) 4. fast ( enough ) 5. high ( enough ) 6. wide ( enough ) 7. dangerous ( too ) 8. heavy ( enough ) 9.light ( enough ) 10. hard ( too )

1.she is close enough with me
2. she is too big to use the dress
3. it's too far to get your home.
4. you have to drive fast enough 
5. high enough right here
6.the window is wide enough for such a small house 
7.the road is too dangerous to race
8.the box is enough heavy for a child 
9.the light was bright enough to read 
10. the questions is too hard. let's ask the teacher

8. Lima contoh kalimat enough too

her house is big enough for the celebration.

The snail is too slow.1. Sinta is too kind for me
2. Ani spends too much money for her friends
3. She sleeps too long in the morning
4. The Sugar is too much in the coffee
5. The cheese are too much on a slice bread

9. Buatlah contoh kalimat bahasa inggris , dari kata-kata berikut : (menggunakan kata kerja) 1.Close (Enough) 2.big ( too ) 3. far ( too ) 4. fast ( enough ) 5. high ( enough ) 6. wide ( enough ) 7. dangerous ( too ) 8. heavy ( enough ) 9.light ( enough ) 10. hard ( too )

1.The shop is closed
2.Very big animal
3.Home is far away
4.The car is fast
5.This building high

10. tuliskan 4 contoh kalimat Too, Enough, Not Enough dalam kehidupan sehari-hari disekolah...


he is too smart

he is smart enough

100 gram of flour is not enough to make a cake

don't eat too much ice cream

semoga membantu maaf kalau salah

11. Contoh kalimat percakapan too dan enough

I am scare too .
I had enough with you . I like you too
That’s enough

12. berikan 5 contoh kalimat too dan enough

1. I think i have enough eat now
2. There's too much bugs here
3. It's enough, let's break now
4. Too many homework now
5. Enough for today, see you tomorrow

13. buat kalimat enough dan too

The big burger is enough to make me full

I would love to go to Bali toothe milk is full enough
too much care makes you hurt too much

14. tolong jawab , berikan fungsi dan pola kalimat (-,+,?) serta 6 contoh kalimat dari too enough (-,+,?)

+ ....... memberi pernyataan yang positif, membenarkan
- ......... memberi pernyataan yang negatif
? ......... mengintrogasi, berarti memberi pertanyaan
too enough itu digabung atau 2 kalimat berbeda, karena too dan enough dua kata yang berlawanan lohh

15. berikan contoh kalimat yang menggunakan too dan enough​


Tommy have eaten enough meal for his breakfast.

He also has too much meal for his school breakfast.

16. sebutkan masing-masing 4 contoh kalimat Too, Enough, Not Enough dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di sekolah...

The formula is too long,rumus itu terlalu panjang. The ruler is too long. The shoes is too big. The pencil is too short

Enough a lot. Enough good. Enough beauty. Enough big.

The ruler is not enough long. The shirt is not enough a lot. The field is not enough large. The book is not enough big

17. contoh kalimat yang menanyakan kecukupan dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan kalimat enough atau too?

It was very enough for me,

Semoga benar :D

You are too late.
It's too hot.

too biasanya digunakan untuk kalimat negatif

18. contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan pola too dan enough

I think we got enough to buy burgers!

Aren't that's too many for your appetite?

19. contoh kalimat suggestion menggunakan too and enough

i like this food enough

20. Contoh kalimat penggunaan too and enough

You speak too loud. (Kamu berbicara terlalu keras.)
I don’t have enough money to buy the pizza which you want. (Saya tidak mempunyai uang yang cukup untuk membeli pizza yang kamu inginkan.)- The damage to the car was only TOO apparent
- I had more ENOUGH loose change in my coin pure to pay it.

Smoga membantu

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