Sunday, June 19, 2022

When You Tell Me That You Love Me Artinya

When You Tell Me That You Love Me Artinya

arti dari when you tell me that you love me

Daftar Isi

1. arti dari when you tell me that you love me

ketika kamu berkata padaku bahwa kamu mencintaikuArtinya adalah "ketika anda mengatakan bahwa anda mencintaiku."
Semoga Membantu :)

2. apa arti dari tell me why do you still love me?

artinya adalah katakan kenapa engkau masih mencintaiku

katakan padaku mengapa kamu masih mencintaiku

3. Can you Tell me you love me

No, i can't ..................... Bisakah kamu bilang padaku, kamu mencintaiku?

4. tell me about your explanation when you visiting. Mall​

ini apa ya? biasa aja? gitu

5. arti tell me about you

katakan kepada ku tentang mu

6. One of the following is not the pattern of giving suggestions with conditional if. A. You should tell me if you really love me. B. If you really love me then you will tell me. C. Why don't you tell me if you really love me? D. You have to tell me if you really love me. E. If you really love me; why don't you tell me?




If clause tidak memakai tanda baca ";"

7. One of the following is not the pattern of giving suggestions with conditional if. A. You should tell me if you really love me. B. If you really love me then you will tell me. C. Why don't you tell me if you really love me? D. You have to tell me if you really love me. E. If you really love me; why don't you tell me?


B. If you really love me then you will tell me.


maaf kalau salah

8. artinya "tell me about you"

beritahi ku tentang dirimu

9. 3, If you want to be with me, me that you love me a.tell d. told b. e.would tell will tell C.don't tell ​




tell itu memberitahu bisa juga beritahu, told itu diberitahu

maaf kalau salah

10. One of the following is not the pattern of giving suggestions with conditional if. A. You should tell me if you really love me. B. If you really love me then you will tell me. C. Why don't you tell me if you really love me? D. You have to tell me if you really love me. E. If you really love me; why don't you tell me?


Salah satunya adalah pola pemberian sugesti dengan conditional if.

A. Anda harus memberi tahu saya jika Anda benar-benar mencintai saya.

B. Jika kamu benar-benar mencintaiku maka kamu akan memberitahuku.

C. Mengapa Anda tidak memberi tahu saya jika Anda benar-benar mencintaiku?

D. Anda harus memberi tahu saya jika Anda benar-benar mencintai saya.

E. Jika Anda benar-benar mencintai saya; kenapa kamu tidak memberitahuku


jadikan jawaban terbaik

11. Tell me what did you do when you stay at home!​


studying at home, after learning I play making cardboard miniature trucks, and playing with my friends

I'm doing my everyday routine. My favourite is watching movie or playing games. Of course as a human, I breath, eat, sleep, and drink water. That's all from me. Thank you for asking me. :)

Edit : I forgot to include something. I help other people on brainly by answering their questions, but my answers aren't 100% correct. :)

12. When are you going to tell me the good news? When you ... From bali

When you come back from Bali

13. One of the following is not the pattern of giving suggestions with conditional if. A. You should tell me if you really love me. B. If you really love me then you will tell me. C. Why don't you tell me if you really love me? D. You have to tell me if you really love me. E. If you really love me; why don't you tell me?


One of the following is not the pattern of giving suggestions with conditional if.

A. You should tell me if you really love me.

Kata kunci dari soal ini adalah kata "giving suggestions".


Conditional if adalah kalimat pengandaian.

Sedangkan giving suggestion adalah ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberikan saran.

Kata yang biasa digunakan untuk memberikan saran adalah kata "should".

Pada pilihan C dan E, tampak seperti giving suggestion, tetapi bila dipahami lebih lanjut, kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat perintah atau instruction

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai giving suggestion expression pada


14. Will you tell me that you need me? Fachri asked jihan.

==> Akankah kamu memberitahuku bahwa kamu membutuhkanku? Fahri bertanya kpd jihan.Akankah kau bilang padaku bahwa kau membutuhkanku? Fachri bertanya pada jihan

15. One of the following is not the pattern of giving suggestions with conditional if. A. You should tell me if you really love me. B. If you really love me then you will tell me. C. Why don't you tell me if you really love me? D. You have to tell me if you really love me. E. If you really love me; why don't you tell me?

transalate soal:

Salah satunya adalah pola pemberian sugesti dengan conditional if.

A. Anda harus memberi tahu saya jika Anda benar-benar mencintai saya.

B. Jika kamu benar-benar mencintaiku maka kamu akan memberitahuku.

C. Mengapa Anda tidak memberi tahu saya jika Anda benar-benar mencintaiku?

D. Anda harus memberi tahu saya jika Anda benar-benar mencintai saya.

E. Jika Anda benar-benar mencintai saya; kenapa kamu tidak memberitahuku?


E.jika anda benar-benar mencintai saya;kenapa kamu tidak memberitahuku?

maaf kalo salah

16. apa artinya let me tell you

mari aku beri tahu
........biarkan aku memberitahumu

17. Will you tell me that you need me? Fachri asked jihan. Fachri asked jihan?

Maukah Anda memberi tahu saya bahwa Anda membutuhkan saya? Tanya Fachri jihan.
Fachri tanya jihan?

18. apa arti dari could you tell me

bisakah anda menjelaskan kepada saya

bisa anda ceritakan....

19. arti dari Tell me why do you still like me

beri tahu aku kenapa kamu masih menyukai ku

20. 2. Tell me when you feel happy (2 examples) 3. Tell me when you feel afraid (2 examples)​


2. - when my mom cooking my favorite breakfast

- when i playing with my bestfriend

3. - when my house really dark beacuse my mom turn off the light

- when raining with storm feel so scary

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