Saturday, August 13, 2022

Causes And Effects Of Flooding In Jakarta

Causes And Effects Of Flooding In Jakarta

Causes and effects of flooding in Jakarta

Daftar Isi

1. Causes and effects of flooding in Jakarta


causes: people threw away their trash at where ever they wanted to, plus because of deforestation

effects: flooding and global warming

2. pilih salah satu membuat dialog dibawah ini1. Causes and effects of flooding in Jakarta2. Causes and effects of corruption3. Causes and effects of bullying on teenagers

Flooding in Jakarta because garbage clogging the drains

And effect of healthiness of people around floodThe Dialogue between Husband and Wife :

Wife: "Dear!! The water goes into our house!!"

Husband: "What? Let's take the furniture to the second floor."

Wife: "Okay."

....After they are done.

Husband: "This is why we should not litter. Because this is what will happen."

Wife: "Yeah, you're right. Dear, if we just let the water goes into the house like this, the kids will be endangered."

Husband: "It's okay. It just a little bit water."

Wife: "But, the water could have come from the sewer. And, who knows what in the water already."

Husband: "Oh? I forgot about that. Okay, let's go."

Wife: " 'Let's go', what?"

Husband: "Let's go tell the president to fix this problem as soon as possible."


Forgive me if some of my words are not good enough.

3. Choose one of the topics given below and create a dialogue. 1. Causes and effects of flooding in Jakarta2. Causes and effects of corruption3. Causes and effects of bullying on teenagers

1.Lea:Vee,look at the news!!!

Vee:Yes I know, Jakarta is flooded.

Lea:What cause flood in Jakarta?

Vee:Trash in the river,rain,and others.

Lea:Then,what is the effect of flooding in

Vee:Well,its distract human activity

maaf kalo salah, aku ngawur

4. Choose one of the topics given below and create a dialogue (minimum 10 lines)1. Causes and effects of global warming2. Causes and effects of bullying on teenagers3. Causes and effects of corruption #minta tolong ke yang serius jawab aja yaa makasih banyaak​


Wina wants to go to the market and while on the way she meets Sarah.

Wina: "Hi, Sarah. Where are you going?"

Sarah: "Hi too, Wina. I'm going to the market, where are you going?"

Wina: "I also want to go to the market, but I feel that the weather today is very hot."

Sarah: "Yeah, right. I know that, it's probably the effects of global warming."

Wina: "Yes, I agree with you. It's caused by the greenhouse effect too."

Sarah: "I go to the market on foot to reduce air pollution on the streets."

Wina: "Yes, I will too. Walking reduces pollution and the volume of carbon dioxide."

Sarah: "This is one of our ways to save the earth from the greenhouse effect, right?"

Wina: "Yes, that's right. Another way is not to cut trees carelessly, but by planting trees or it can be called reforestation."


Wina ingin pergi ke pasar dan dalam perjalanan dia bertemu dengan Sarah.

Wina: "Hai, Sarah. Kamu mau kemana?"

Sarah: "Hai juga, Wina. Aku mau ke pasar, kamu sendiri mau kemana?"

Wina: "Aku juga mau ke pasar, tetapi aku merasa bahwa cuaca hari ini sangat panas."

Sarah: "Iya, benar. Aku tahu itu, kemungkinan ini dari efek pemanasan global."

Wina: "Iya, Aku sependapat denganmu. Ini disebabkan oleh efek rumah kaca juga."

Sarah: "Aku pergi ke pasar dengan berjalan kaki agar mengurangi polusi udara di jalanan."

Wina: "Iya, akupun begitu. berjalan kaki dapat mengurangi polusi dan volume karbon dioksida."

Sarah: "Ini merupakan salah satu cara kita untuk menyelamatkan bumi dari efek rumah kaca, kan?"

Wina: "Iya, benar. cara lainnya bisa dengan tidak menebang pohon secara sembarangan, tetapi dengan menanam pohon atau bisa disebut reboisasi."

Semoga membantuBantu follow yaa

Maaf jika kalimatnya kurang tepat atau ada yang typo

Silahkan Koreksi Lagi

5. Choose one of the topics given below and create a dialogue. 1. Causes and effects of flooding in Jakarta2. Causes and effects of corruption3. Causes and effects of bullying on teenagers

Memilih salah satu dari topik-topik yang diberikan di bawah ini dan menciptakan dialog. 1. Penyebab dan dampak banjir di Jakarta2. Penyebab dan efek dari corruption3. Penyebab dan efek dari bullying pada remaja

6. conton Percakapan Bahasa inggris3 orang tentang cause and effectsOF flooding in Jakarta​


the cause of the floods in Jakarta is because of the lack of trees and pollution. The effects of the floods are, House's flooded, people in the flood area dosnt have a home, people need some donations cause of the floods


semoga membantu

7. d.ialogue.causes and effects of flooding in jakarta

A: poor Annie..
B: who's Annie?
A: She's my cousin, she lives in Jakarta
B: what happen to her?
A: Have you seen the today's news?
B: Hmm.. no
A: There's flood happening in Jakarta right now, and Annie is one of the victim
B: Yeah.. These days people don't really care about trashes they threw away, most of them throw it not in the right place
A: that's true, it is the reason that creates flood! the government should take care of this!
B: that's right! And also people should have self conscious

8. dialog Bminggris Causes and effects of flonding in jakarta

dialog B Inggris Penyebab dan dampak banjir di jakarta

9. Contoh dialog causes and effects of corruption

Dialog on Causes and Effects of Corruption

A: What do you think about corruption?

B: I think it is very common nowadays. It is almost impossible to avoid corruption.

A: Why do you think so?

B: Let's see this case! A husband has a high position in a big company. Knowing this, his wife asks for more money to satisfy herself. A weak husband who can't handle this is finally forced to commit corruption as his wife's demand is more than his real income.

A: Yeah, you're right. But, I guess there is another reason.

B: What is that?

A: Greed.

B: I agree with you. Greed makes people forget everything. There is also another reason. It is the demand of the superior. This one is very common. Many people are forced to commit corruption because they should protect their superior. If not, they will not have a job.

A: That's true. It's one of human weaknesses. Well, I think corruption will harm other people. What do you think?

B: Yes, I agree with you. With corruption, people will take something that is not their right. Other people will suffer a great loss. It won't happen so soon, but gradually.

A: Yes, that's like what I think. Furthermore, people who commit corruption will always feel anxious as they should hide the big secret. What if they get caught?

B: It will ruin everything.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Contoh stating opinion:

2. Expression on asking and giving opinion:

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Stating Opinion

Kode: 8.5.1

Kata kunci: dialog, opinion, causes, effect, corruption, commit, people

10. tolong bantu artikan teks causes and effect of flooding in Jakarta​


sebab dan akibat banjir di jakarta




itu artinya de

11. contoh dialog cause and effects of flooding in jakarta

Flooding in Jakarta
Beni: Wow, there are so many trashes out here.

Dani: Yeah, i agreed with you. Why does people didn't want to put their trashes in a trash bin?

Beni: Maybe because of their lazyness.

Dani: However, these trashes are making Jakarta always flooded every year!

Beni: Really? Tell me more about that.

Dani: So, people are always blaming the government for the flood that always happen in Jakarta. But they just blaming them for no reasons. They should looked to them self. Many people in Jakarta are doesn't even care about Jakarta. They throw trashes out of their houses, and many more.

Beni: Well of course, we have to look into ourself to.

Dani: That's right. Let's take care of our city!

Beni: You're right. Before a flood happen again, we have to prevent it!

12. Choose one pf the topics given below and create a dialogue. 1.Causes and effect of flooding in Jakarta 2.Causes and effect of coruption 3.Causes and effect of bullying on teenagers

The Topic is Causes and Effect of flooding in Jakarta

Tara: Cynthia, what is your opinion about causes of flooding in Jakarta?
Cynthia: hmmm, every year, floods is a familiar event, particularly in Jakarta. Surely, there are so many factors that cause of flooding in jakarta. First, may be natural factors. second, environment factor. next, human factors and etc. 
Tara: hmmm, i agree with your point. by the way, for you, what is the effect of flooding in Jakarta?
Cynthia: Oh, come on, Tara. As you know, so many effect of flooding in Jakarta.  there are can appear water disease, ruin the city, economy, mentality, 

13. make a dialogue about cause and effects of flooding in Jakarta? with using a simple past tense!

Renatha:"hallo derin what are u doing?"

Derin:"i am looking for the reason why jakarta often floods"

Renatha:"i know the cause"

Derin:"what ?"

Renatha:"because many people always threw garbage and so many plant waste that threw in river"

Derin:"sure, thanks"

Maaf klo salah

14. Causes and offects of flooding in Jakarta?


because jakarta is to many high rise building so earth cann't absorb water so many flooding on jakarta


sorry kalo salah


The number of people in Jakarta who throw garbage indiscriminately and do not take care of the surrounding environment

15. cause and effect. of flooding in jakarta


causesof Flooding:

Illegal logging

Settlements along the river

Dam or dam that is damaged

High Rainfall

Blockage of river flow

Flooding due to Tsunami Disaster

Penyebab Banjir

Penebangan hutan secara liar

Pemukiman di bantaran sungai

Bendungan atau waduk yang rusak

Curah Hujan Tinggi

Tersumbatnya aliran sungai

Banjir karena Bencana Tsunami


Stopping Residents' Activities

Outbreaks of disease

Economic Losses

Difficult to get clean water

Menghentikan Aktivitas Warga

Timbulnya wabah penyakit

Kerugian Ekonomi

Sulit mendapat air bersih



16. contoh dialog causes and effects of bullying on teenager ​


Georgia: "Hey Naomi, do you think that bullying is a crisis at school?"

Naomi: "Yeah, I think so."

Georgia: "Do you see any causes of bullying?"

Naomi: "I think education and parent take a huge role in it."

Georgia: "I agree, the school is the right place to fix this."

Naomi: "But if the bullying is happening in the school, it's very worst."

Georgia: "It's so hard to know the bullying happens at school."

Naomi: "Yeah, it affects very bad to child psychology.

Georgia: "I think teachers and parents must give a lot of attention to it."

Naomi: "Definitely, they have to teach children to respect others more."

Georgia: "They must also be good examples."



Georgia: "Hey Naomi, menurutmu bullying adalah krisis di sekolah?"

Naomi: "Ya, aku pikir begitu."

Georgia: "Apakah kamu melihat penyebab bullying?"

Naomi: "Aku pikir pendidikan dan orang tua mengambil peran besar di dalamnya."

Georgia: "Aku setuju, sekolah adalah tempat yang tepat untuk memperbaikinya."

Naomi: "Tetapi jika bullying terjadi di sekolah, itu sangat buruk."

Georgia: "Sulit untuk mengetahui bahwa bullying terjadi di sekolah."

Naomi: "Ya, itu berdampak sangat buruk pada psikologi anak."

Georgia: "Aku pikir guru dan orang tua harus memberi banyak perhatian."

Naomi: "Pastinya, mereka harus mendidik anak untuk lebih menghargai orang lain."

Georgia: "Mereka juga harus menjadi contoh yang baik."

17. contoh Percakapanbahasa Inggris 3 orang tentangcause and effects of flooding inJakarra​


the cause of the floods in Jakarta is the lack of trees and to much pollution. The effects because of the floods are, House's flooded

18. buatlah dialog dalam bahasa inggris :1.cause and effects of flooding in jakarta



Andy: Have you read today's news?

Billy: Yes, I have. it is about flooding in Jakarta, right?

Andy: Yes, you're right. Flooding has been a serious problem in Jakarta nowadays.

Billy: The government has to put more attention on this problem. It has many negative effects for those whose houses are sunk by the flood. For example, destruction of houses and its property, loss of property, illness, and even death.

Andy: I agree with you. But, the flood happens because of human's fault. people often throw the rubbish in wrong places such as in the river or sewer. it makes the river and sewer full of rubbish so that the water overflowed into the streets when the rain comes and causes the flood.

Billy: That's not the only cause. People also cut tree illegally. Because of that, there's not water absorption by the trees. It makes the rainwater goes into the river or sewer directly.

Andy: So, it means the flood is caused by ourselves. it is our fault.

Billy: You're right. We must cooperate in order to solve this problem.

Andy: I think so.


In addition, you can see another example dialogue about cause and effect in the link below as a reference to improve your knowledge:


Detil tambahan:

Kelas: SMA

Pelajaran: Bahasa inggris

Kategori: Cause and effect

19. Writing ConnectionChoose one of the topics given below and create a dialogue.1. Causes and effects of flooding in Jakarta2. Causes and effects of corruption3. Causes and effects of bullying on teenagers​

1)A: Why do floods often happen lately?

B: Maybe it was caused by many people littering into the river.

A: Indeed there are still many people who do not care about the environment.

B: I do not know, if they complain of flooding even though the cause is their own doing.

A: Right.

20. E Writing ConnectionChoose one of the topics given below and create a dialogue.1. Causes and effects of flooding in Jakarta2. Causes and effects of corruption3. Causes and effects of bullying on teenagersmohon bantuan nya!!!​


Ini untuk yang no.3

Sam: Have you ever experienced bullying? I have.

Brian: I never experienced bullying but i would like to know what the causes and effects are.

Sam: The main cause of bullying is usually coming from a bad internal environment, the bullies will then lash out their problems on you. Bullying can also be caused by jealousy.

Brian: That's very interesting however it doesn't their actions.

Sam: The effects of bullying on teenagers like us are depression, other mental issues, anger problems, and many more.

Brian: Wow, that must've been tough for you.

Sam: It sure was.

sorry kalau salah

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