Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Contoh Paragraf Future Tense Tentang Cita Cita

Contoh Paragraf Future Tense Tentang Cita Cita

contoh paragraf future tense tentang cita-cita setelah lulus kuliah

Daftar Isi

1. contoh paragraf future tense tentang cita-cita setelah lulus kuliah

After I graduated I will start my working career in a big company. I want to work with many people and in a team. I will do my best from the scratch and make it to the top with my own hard work.  However, I will not forsake my family and friends. I will keep my family & friends as close to me as I can, because without them I will not even able to graduate. 

2. buatkan saya 1 paragraf future tense cita cita sebagai guru

I used to want to be a teacher because a teacher is a hero who is badly needed by his country, no president without a teacher who educates him until very clever
Master is the number 1 hero in the world
Although unsung

3. contoh cita cita dengan simple future tense

- I think I will be a doctor
- She will graduate and become a pilot• I will become a doctor when I'm older.
• My brother will be a policeman as soon as he graduates.

4. Berikan Contoh paragraf Future tense :- Mengandung Simple future tense, future continuous, Future perfect, future perfect continuous- terdiri dari 3 paragraf- 1 paragraf (4-5 baris atau lebih)Tolong bantu jawab ya...Boleh tentang rencana liburan/cita- cita setelah lulus/yang lainnya..

this is the plan we will do tomorrow
tomorrow we will go to the beach
I will go to the beach with my family
we will prepare the car
and we will go to the beach after breakfast.
we will go to the hotel first
to meet my cousin
his name is Bonny
he is so cute and funny
and then we will buy food at the foodcourt beside the hotel
I will get some hamburgers. it is my favorite food.
and my sister will get ice creams
her favorite food too

after it we will go to the beach
we will build two tent
because we will camping at the beach
we will make a picnic party
with so many food
I was prepare the food yesterday.
My sister will get some hotdogs and some juice.
my brother will get some fried fish and some fried rice.
and I will get a cup of tea and some ice creams
my parents will get some sausages and cereals
it will be the best party ever

we will play at the beach
I will play sands. and I will make some sandcastles
my sister will swim at the beach
and my brother will sleep in our tent
my parents wont do anything
because it will be rainy outside the tent
my parents will eat some foods in the tent
I hope it will be the best holyday ever

ada syaratnya jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

5. contoh kalimat cita cita yang menggunakan future tense

i want to be a doctorI want to be a superhero

6. buatkan cerita 1 paragraf ..tentang cita cita sebagai musisi dalam kalimat future tense

after i graduate from my high school i will be a musisian

After I graduate from senior high school, I will be a musician. I am going to have some music course to increase my ability in music. I want to be a musician because it's exciting. I want to meet some famous musician too. I am going to join a band so I can learn something about music too, also maybe I can make more money to pay my college, my course, etc.

7. Membuat cerita tentang cita cita fotografer menggunakan future tense


The exercise above is seemingly to write about one's ambition to be working as a photographer in the future. So, it's not exactly appropriate as a story or narrative. Here's the example

Photography has been my passion since I was young. I have been taking pictures ever since, especially on landscape and dynamic objects like sport matches, where you can capture something beyond the game itself. That is exactly what I want to do in the future. I would like to be a football photographer as football is my interest too. I have taken several certified workshops on photography, including the ones held by Kompas Gramedia and BolaVaganza tabloid. Such has given me more knowledge on this subject, as well as tips, experience and surely opportunity to be joining the internship for those company. I am now still waiting for the announcement for the result. Hopefully I can be accepted and work my way to my childhood dream, taking pictures of the World Cup matches live.

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: writing

8. Karangan Future tense tentang cita cita menjadi ahli kimia

When I grow up I want to be a Scientist because I love science its my favorite subject and I love experimentsWhen I grow up I want to be a Scientist because I love science its my favorite subject and I love experiments


9. Berikan Contoh paragraf Future tense :- Mengandung Simple future tense, future continuous, Future perfect, future perfect continuous- terdiri dari 3 paragraf- 1 paragraf (4-5 baris atau lebih)Tolong bantu jawab ya...Boleh tentang rencana liburan/cita- cita setelah lulus/yang lainnya..


Future tense is a tense which is used to indicate an action which will happen in the future. Future tense is divided into 4, they are:

- Simple future tense
This tense is used to indicate an action which will happen at a specific time in the future.
The structure: S + will + V1 + O

- Future continuous tense
This tense is used to indicate an action which will be in progress at a specific time in the future.
The structure: S + will + be + V-ing + O

- Future perfect tense
This tense is used to indicate an action which will be completely done before another time in the future.
The structure: S + will + have + V3 + O

- Future perfect continuous tense
This tense is used to emphasize the duration of an action that will be in progress before another event in the future.
The structure: S + will + have + been + V-ing + O

Here's the example of their usage:
Next weekend my cousin, Tasya, will visit Surabaya for 3 days. She will arrive at 11 pm on Friday. She will stay at my home. But I will not be able to pick her up because I will sleep at 10 pm. I will be sleeping when she arrives here. But, it's not a big deal because we can spend our weekend together. She will have visited many places in Surabaya by the time she goes home.

On the first day, we will go to Surabaya Zoo at 10 o'clock in the morning. We will have eaten breakfast by the time we arrive at the zoo. We will walk around and take many pictures. My sister will join us too. She will meet at 12 pm because she has another business on that day. My cousin and I will have been walking around the zoo for 2 hours when my sister arrives. After that, we will go to Galaxy mall. We will be there until dinner time and will go home at 8 pm.

On the second day, we will visit Tugu Pahlawan. After that, we will go to Tunjungan Plaza mall to have lunch. My mother will catch us up after lunchtime. We will have had lunch by the time my mother arrives. She will take us to Zangrandi Ice Cream. In the evening, we will go to Surabaya Night Carnival at 6. We will play many rides there. My sister will catch us up at 7. So, we will have been playing for 1 hour when my sister arrives. On the last day, we will not go anywhere because my cousin has to go to the airport in the morning.

You can see another example of the future tense usage in a future plan here: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3089229

Detil tambahan:
Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: Tenses
Kata kunci: Future tense

10. Membuat cerita tentang mimpi atau cita cita menggunakan simple future tense,

Cara mudah untuk mendapatkan jawaban berhijanasi

11. guys buat donk contoh pengalaman/ cita cita dalam bentuk future tense... help me

future (rencana akan datang)
cita cita: i am going to become a ...
pengalaman : ...

12. buatkan 2 paragraf tentang cita cita menjadi perawat profesional dan pengusaha menggunakan future tense ?

http:// google.com
cari disini aja pasti ada

Semoga membantu

13. Berikan Contoh paragraf Future tense :- Mengandung Simple future tense, future continuous, Future perfect, future perfect continuous- terdiri dari 3 paragraf- 1 paragraf (4-5 baris atau lebih)Tolong bantu jawab ya...Boleh tentang rencana liburan/cita- cita setelah lulus/yang lainnya..

you are beautifull
you are pretty quite

14. membuat future tense tentang cita cita menjadi teknik penerbangan.

i dream high, i wanna be a pilot. i will study hard to reach my dream. (+) i will dream ideal a pilot in the future
(-) i will not dream ideal a pilot in the future
(?) will i dream ideal a pilot in the future ?

15. Tolong bantu aku buat 1 paragraf tentang cita-cita menjadi seorang ahli gizi dengan menggunakan simple future tense.

Hi, my name is (...). I have a dream become nutrition expert. Why? Because I want to help people so they can manage their nutrition daily. As we know that, nowadays, our society still don't care about their nutrition daily. Most of them don't manage the balance among of carbohydrate, vitamin, protein, and others nutrition which contain in food. I challenging to fix it. I want to make they realize so they will take care more to their nutrition daily. I believe we can be developed nation by do it. Ya, we will be healthier, smarter, fitter, and other advantages. So guys, always be aware to our nutrition food! 

16. contoh kalimat cita cita kedalam future tense

I am going to become a doctor
Saya akan menjadi seorang dokteri'm going to become a presindent
saya akan menjadi seorang presiden

17. Membuat cerita tentang cita-cita saya lulus dari smk dengan menggunakan simple future tense

i want to graduate from this vocational high school, after i graduate i want my parents to be proud of me. i'm going to try my best so i could graduate. after i graduate i am going to work for my own needs and to help my parents.

18. Buatkan 2 paragraf tentang cita cita saya menjadi polisi,dengan satu paragraf ada lima kalimat,menggunakan future tense

When I grow up I will become a police. I will protect the town and capture a lot of criminals. I will also help a lot of people because that's what I like to do! I will be the best police ever, the mayor will give tons of prizes! Oh, and every bad guys will tremble when theh hear my name!

Of course there are other things I will do before that! I will go to a police school and graduate at the top list. Then I will enter one of the police stations. Then I will choose a partner that I can trust to watch my back. And lastly, I will prove everyone who thought I'm weak wrong with shoving my police badge in their faces!

Semoga membantu!

19. tolong bantu, saya ada tugas tentang simple future tense buat masa depan/ cita-cita untuk masa depan. minimal 2 paragraf..

My Ambition

I have a big ambition, In the Future, I wish I will be a great singer. I start to dreaming to be a singer since i heard Jessica's song. The song title is 'Fly'. It's a nice song, The moral value is about never give up about what you dreaming about.
Start from now, I will do my best. I will chase it even it heard impossible. I Believe, I will make my dream come alive somehow.

20. ceritakan tentang cita citamu dengan alasannya pake future tense​


cita cita ku ingin jadi tentara fitur apa


cita cita ku menjadi guru mengaji/ustadzah

alasannya: agar bisa mendapatkan pahala

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