Sunday, August 7, 2022

Give A Help

Give A Help

Give me a help please..mksh sblumnya

Daftar Isi

1. Give me a help please..mksh sblumnya

Persamaan reaksi :

4FeS₂ + 11O₂ → 2Fe₂O₃ + 8SO₂

mol SO₂ = Volume/STP
mol = 2,24/22,4
mol = 0,1 mol

Ingat bahwa perbandinagn mol = perbandinagn koefisein, berati :
mol FeS₂ = 4/8 x 0,1
mol FeS₂ = 0,05 mol

massa FeS₂ = mol x Mr
massa FeS₂ 0,05 x 120
massa FeS₂ = 6 gram 

Karena kemurniannya 90%, maka massa FeS₂ yang diperlukan adalah :
= massa/0,9
= 6/0,9
= 6,7 gram

Jadi, massa FeS₂ trsebut adalah 6,7 gram (Jawaban C)n SO2 = v / 22,4
= 2,24 / 22,4
= 0,1 mol

n FeS2 = 4/8 × 0,1 = 0.05

kemurnian = 90%× 0.05
= 0,045

m = n × mr
= 0,45 × 120
= 5,4 gr ( a)

2. Help me , please ^-^ Give a reason too ....

1. A. ARN duta karena fungsiny membawa kode genetik
2. B. UAC CCU CAA (Tinggal dignti T= U karena RNA tidk mengenal T tapi U)
C. B. GAA CUA CCA GUG (antisense itu berarti kebalikanya C=G T/U= A dn sebaliknya)
inget ya kalo DNA menggunakan T
kalo di RNA gunakan U krn tidak mengenal T

3. 2. which is one offering a help sentens? a. a excuse me dont you mind to give me some help, please? b. a relly apreciate your help c. could you give me your hard? d. coul a give you some help? e. please go away with your help​


D. Could i give you some help?


d. could i give you some help?

4. Informal request: I want you to give me a hand. A. Can you help me? B. Can I give you a hand? C. Could you help me? D. Could you give me a hand?


a.can you help me?


maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu yah :)

Jawaban:A.Can You Help Me?

Semoga membantu

5. look at the picture. give a tick to the appropriate.please help me​


You shouldn't consume fatty food

Yous should take excercise every day

you should go on a diet


Dalam foto tersebut terlihat orang gemuk kita diperintahkan untuk memberikan saran agar dia tidak gemuk lagi

#Terimakasi sudah bertanya di brainly, semoga membantu!

#Semangat Hyung:'

6. help pls, i will give u a high score :)​


7. B.c,a

8. D.(-4,-4)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Mon maap ye klo slh :'v


7. Gak ada jawabannya

8. C. (4,0)

Semoga membantu dan maaf ya kalau salah soalnya gambar nya agak buram

7. Write a dialogue to ask for, give and receive advice! please help answer, thanks :))) ​

ask for ::

•Any idea?

•Can you give me some advice about it?

•Can you tell me what I should do?

•Do you have any advice for me?

•Do you have any idea?

•Do you have any ideas?

•Do you have any recommendation?

give ::

•You had better work now

•How about editing our assignment tonight

•How about if you go to the doctor to check your health now

•How about making a traditional music show

•I recommend you to buy the item

accepting / receive ::

• I agree

• I think so

• That's a good idea

• Thanks, I'll try your suggestion

8. help me plisss, give me a correct answer

1. The text is about the good and bad things about a television

2. it can help us get relaxed after our addition and it could transfers knowledge

3. Watching TV over a long time

4. The purpose of the text is to tell the advantage of credit cards and the danger to misuse the credit card

5. Using credit cards, leads consumers to make excessive purchases and ignore their accumulated debts.

6. It's very practical. Credit cards enable us not to carry a large sum of money.

7. It refer to the users of credit card1. The text is about the advantages and the disadvantages of a television.
2. They entertain us and help us to get relaxed.
3. The underlined pronoun refers to "watching television"
4. To inform us about the advantages and the disadvantages of a credit card.
5. They caused economic problems that leave people unable to pay debts.
6. We don't need to bring a sum of money, just bring a card to purchase restaurants, hotels, and certain products.
7. the underlined pronoun refers to the consumers.

9. please help me:(give a suggestion about save Erath ​


We should plant more trees to save this earth.

kita harus menanam lebih banyak pohon untuk menyelamatkan bumi ini.

10. help me answer this + use methodI will give a star if someone answers it correctly.. so please help me ( ╹▽╹ )​


a. 48°

b. 21,5°

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sudut siku siku adalah 90° maka

a. 90°- 42° = 48°

b. 90°- 68,5° = 21,5°

semoga membantu ya sayang ya

11. Write a dialogue to ask for, give and receive advice! please help answer, thanks :))​


menulis dialog untuk meminta , memberi dan menerima saran


maaf klo salah

12. a. could you give me a magnifying, please? b. ... [giving a help]

Sure, here you are.A. could you give me a magnifying, please?

B. Sure, here it is.


B. Sure. I can.


B. Yes. I will.

13. what do you say when you give a help other​

Bisa menggunakan ini:

1. Do you need any help?

2. Can I help you?

Of course I can help people

14. 3. Arif : This table is too heavy for me Juna: Let me help you lift it. Juna wants to ..., a. help Arif buy some boxes - b. ask for Arif's help c. give Arif some help d. give Arif a box 4. Father : Would you mind helping me repair the radio? Rian : Sure. Father is .... a. responding help b. asking for help c. rejecting help d. giving help​

3. c
4. b

cmiiw yaaa ^^

3. c. give Arif some help

[meminta bntuan kpd arif]

4. b. asking for help

[meminta bntuan]

semoga membantu

15. what do you say when you give a help otwhat ​


apa yang Anda katakan ketika Anda memberikan bantuan atau apa??

this is for all of you hope it is useful

16. Thanks for you help i have a money to give you 2 dollar

terima kasih yg telah menolongku ini aku punya 2 dollar untuk hadiahtranslate = terimakasih telah membantu, aku punya 2 dolar untukmu

17. Could you give me a hand" =: Could you help me, please?Would you help me? =. Can you help me, please?I really need you to help me​


maksudnya yang ditanya apa, ya?

18. apa arti can you give other expressions to ask for and give a help to someono

Apa arti bisa anda berikan ungkapan lain untuk dimintai dan memberi pertolongan kepada seseorang.bisakah kamu memberikan inspirasi bertanya untuk menolong seseoran

sorry kalo salah

19. tolong dijawab y,can u help me?i will give u a 10 poin ;)​


sikap kita seharusnya menghormati apapun pendapat yang diberikan oleh teman kita tersebut


semoga membantu yaa

20. Come on, please help me, and after answering and reading this text please give a reason ...Help, guys​













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