Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Bahasa Arab Cabai

Bahasa Arab Cabai

apa bahasa arabnya cabai

Daftar Isi

1. apa bahasa arabnya cabai

cabai atau الفلفل الحارkalau gak salah jawabannya fil fil

2. Bahasa arabnya ApelBahasa arabnya MenanamBahasa arabnya BuahBahasa arabnya CabaiBahasa arabnya Wortel​


apel : تفاحة

menanam : نبات

buah : فاكهة

cabai : الفلفل الحار

wortel : جزرة





4.alfilfil alharu



Maaf jika salah, tetapi insyaallah benar

3. Bahasa arabnya Apel Bahasa arabnya MenanamBahasa arabnya BuahBahasa arabnya CabaiBahasa arabnya Wortel​

تُفَّاحُنْ = Apel

نَبَتٌا = Menanam

فاَقِهَةٌ = Buah

الْفُلُفُرُ = Cabai

جَزَرَةٌ = Wortel


Bahasa arab adalah salah satu bahasa yang di gunakan pada ayat suci al-Qur'an dan pertama kali di lafalkan oleh nabi Adam As.



Mapel: Bahasa Arab

Kelas: 6

Materi Buah buahan dan sayuran


تُفَّاحُنْ apel

نَبَتٌا menanam

فاَقِهَةٌ buah

الْفُلُفُرُالْحَالُ. cabai

جَزَرَةٌ. wortel

semoga membantu

4. Soal bahasa Arab1. Aku minum pakai gelas. Bahasa Arab gelas adalah...... A. ShogunB. SyaukatunC. Kuubun2. Ibu menyimpan sayuran di dalam kulkas. Kulkas dalam bahasa Arab adalah.....A. FuthotunB. TsalajatunC. Mil' aqotun3. Khamsata' asyara dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah.....A. 15B. 11C. 134. Anggur bahasa arabnya adalah....A. KarozB. EanabC. Lunjan5. Wazaghun dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah....A. CicakB. dombaC. GajahJawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan benar!1. Apa bahasa arabnya gajah.....2. Tsawrun artinya adalah.....3. Jambu bahasa arabnya adalah....4. Arba'ata asyara dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah.....5. Cabai dalam bahasa Arab adalah......​













5. deskripsi tentang cabai bahasa inggris

Chili or chilli or chili are the fruits and plants belonging to the genus Capsicum. The fruit can be classified as a vegetable or spice, depending on how to use it. As a spice, spicy chillies are very popular in Southeast Asia as a flavor booster. For Padang cuisine, chilli is even considered the tenth "staple food" (instead of nine). Very difficult for Padang cuisine made without chili.

Big red chili (Capsicum annuum L.) is one type of vegetables that have high economic value. Chili contains a variety of compounds that are useful for human health. [1]. Sun et al. (2007) reported that chili contains antioxidants that serve to keep the body from free radical attack. The greatest content of this antioxidant is on green chili. Chili also contains Lasparaginase and Capsaicin which act as anticancer substances (Kilham 2006; Bano & Sivaramakrishnan 1980).
Chili (Capsicum annum L) is one of the most widely grown vegetable commodities in Indonesia because it has a high selling price [2] and has several health benefits, one of which is the capsaicin substance that functions in controlling cancer. In addition, vitamin C content is high enough in chili to meet daily needs of everyone, but should be consumed sufficiently to avoid stomach pain.
itu bro semoga bermanfaat

6. bahan dan cara menanam cabai bahasa inggris​

How to Grow Chillies

Materials required:

Chilli seeds

Paper towels/napkins




Step 1: Prep the Seeds

Spread open a paper towel, place all chilli seeds evenly on it. Then spray some water on them and fold the paper towel close. Now keep this aside for about a week while making sure that the paper towel is regularly sprayed with water to keep it moist and damp. Keep it in a warm and humid place.

Alternatively, you can skip this entire step. First, wet the seeds nicely and sow them in soil at a depth of about 2-3 cms. The chilli seeds will germinate in about 1 week. Water them every alternate day, keep the soil moist and make sure they are not exposed to harsh winds or strong sun.

(Please make sure that you're always wearing gloves while handling chillies and their seeds. Avoid touching your eyes, face and any sensitive skin, and always wash your hands afterwards.)

Step 2: Soil and Germination

Chilli plants usually require an airy soil which is well drained. Add a little bit of compost to it and give it a good mix. Keep the soil moist but don't overwater it. Water every alternate day or every 2 days depending on the weather. Make sure there is a wet-dry-wet-dry cycle of watering.

The seeds will germinate and you'll see two small leaves on the surface of the soil within 7-10 days of planting the seeds.

Keep watering them every alternate day and make sure they're exposed to 4-6 hours of sunlight daily.

Step 3: Flowering

Once the plant is about 8-10 inches in height, it'll bring out small buds which will blossom into cute little white flowers about 1-1.5 months after planting them.

The flowers will remain on the plant for about 7-10 days, then fall off. Then you'll see a cute little baby chilli growing in it's place.

Step 4:

Regularly water and nourish the plant and the chillies will grow bigger and bigger. The bigger they are the more potent their spiciness is.

Once the chill is about 5-7 cms long you can pluck it to cook with it. However, If you want it to be spicier you can leave it on the plant itself. If you leave them long enough on the plant, the green chilli peppers will eventually turn red. The redder it gets, the hotter it the chilli is!

7. bahasa ingris tiga belas cabai

Bahasa Inggris Tiga belas cabai adalah Thirteen Chilibahasa inggris dari 13 cabai adalah thirteen chili

8. cabai rawit bahasa arabnya adalah A. filfilun B. thomatim C. bashoolun D. fhutrun


A. filfilun


maaf kalau salah

9. sebutkan apa arti bahasa inggris nya "saya dan nadya memanen kol dan cabai"

I and Nadya harvesting cabbage and chiliMe and Nadia reap a cabbage and a chilli Maaf klo salah :v

10. Bahasa inggris nya cabai atau lombok


semoga membantu!

Bahasa Inggris Cabai ( Chili )

11. ciri ciri cabai dengan bahasa inggris



2. Colour red

3. For seasoning cook

12. apa bahasa inggrisnya 3biji cabai merah

THREE RED CHILI SEEDSthree red chili seeds = 3 biji cabai merah (biji isinya)
three red chilies = 3 buah cabai merah

13. Bahasa jepangnya cabai

bahasa jepangnya cabai : chiri ( チリ)togarashi. maaf kalau salah

14. apa nama bunga cabai dlm bahasa jawa​

jawaban nya adalah menik

Kembang (Bunga) Cabai :Menik

maaf kalau salah

15. Deskripsi tanaman cabai dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia


tanamantanaman cabe sangat berguna di Indonesia dan di luar Indonesia atau di luar negara Indonesia cabe biasanya digunakan untuk memasak atau yang lain-lain yang biasanya digunakan untuk memasak membuat sayur atau buat sambel biasanya begitu

maaf klu salah


Bahasa Indonesia:

Tanaman Cabai adalah tanaman yang menjadi bahan pembuatan Saos/berbagai makanan lainnya cabai juga digunakansebagai bahan pelengkap untuk hidangan masakan


Pepper plant is a plant that used to make a ketchup or many food Pepper usually used to be a basic ingredient to many food


Jadikan jawaban terbaik Kakak

16. kuis bahasa Inggrisapa bahasa Inggris nya jaket,saus cabai,dan jambu 10 poin​







saus cabai=chili sauce


17. Deskripsi tanaman cabai dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya


Chilli (Capsicum annum L .) is a plant from ordo solanales and famili solanaceae.

Chilli is a fruit that spicy and very popular among Southeast Asian. This fruit can be catagorized as vegetable nor spices, depends on what you want to use it for.

In the tropical region, chilli grows as a annual plant, while in subtropical region, chilli classified as a annual crops.

This shaped shrub plant is came from the New World ( Mexico and Middle America, also

18. bahasa inggris 10 cabai rawit merah

ten red cayenne pepper

19. bahasa Inggris nya apelbahasa Inggris nya pedasbahasa Inggris nya cabai​

Apel : Apple

Pedas : Spicy

Cabai : Chili


Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Jermanik yang pertama kali dituturkan di Inggris pada Abad Pertengahan Awal dan saat ini merupakan bahasa yang paling umum digunakan di seluruh dunia. ... Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa ibu ketiga yang paling banyak dituturkan di seluruh dunia, setelah bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa Spanyol.

Bahasa Inggris digunakan di Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Australia, Irlandia, Selandia Baru dan berbagai negara kepulauan di di Laut Karibia dan Samudera Pasifik, Bahasa Inggris menjadi bahasa yang dominan dan resmi.


~ Answer By : Adrianexe ~

20. tulisan cabai atau cabei yang benar dalam bahasa indonesia

Cabai lah kalau Cabei Itu Bahasa Alay..?yg benar cabai

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