Sunday, April 10, 2022

Lirik Lagu Faded Dan Artinya

Lirik Lagu Faded Dan Artinya



You were the shadow to my light

Did you feel us

Another start

You fade away

Afraid our aim is out of sight

Wanna see us


Where are you now

Where are you now

Where are you now

Was it all in my fantasy

Where are you now

Were you only imaginary

Where are you now


Under the sea

Under the sea

Where are you now

Another dream

The monsters running wild inside of me

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost

I'm faded

These shallow waters, never met

What I needed

I'm letting go

A deeper dive

Eternal silence of the sea

I'm breathing


Where are you now

Where are you now

Under the bright

But faded lights

You set my heart on fire

Where are you now

Where are you now

Where are you now


Under the sea

Under the sea

Where are you now

Another dream

The monsters running wild inside of me

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost

I'm faded



Alan Walker FADED (2015) ft Iselin Solhiem


You are the shadow to my light

Did U feel us

Another start

You fade away.

Afraid our aim is out of sight

Wanna see us


Where are you now 3×

was it all in my fantasy

Where are you now

Were U only imaginary

Where are you now

Atlantis? Under the sea?

where are you now

Another dream

the monsters running wild inside of me

I'm faded 3×

so lost

i'm faded

These shallow waters never met

what a needed? i'm letting go

A deeper dive, Enternal silence of the sea, I'm breathing


Where are you now?


Under the bright

But faded lights, U set my heart on fire

Where are you now?


Under the sea? 2×

Where are you now? Another dream?

The monsters running wild inside of me

I'm faded 3×

so lost

I'm faded

2. apa Lirik lagu:A).FADEDB).DARKSIDE​



You were the shadow to my light

Did you feel us

Another start

You fade away

Afraid our aim is out of sight

Wanna see us


Where are you now

Where are you now

Where are you now

Was it all in my fantasy

Where are you now

Were you only imaginary

Where are you now


Under the sea

Under the sea

Where are you now

Another dream

The monsters running wild inside of me

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

These shallow waters, never met

What I needed

I'm letting go - a deeper dive

Eternal silence of the sea - I'm breathing


Where are you now

Where are you now

Under the bright - but faded lights

You've set my heart on fire

Where are you now

Where are you now

Where are you now


Under the sea

Under the sea

Where are you now

Another dream

The monsters running wild inside of me

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

maaf kalo salah ya kk



We're not in love

We share no stories

Just something in your eyes

Don't be afraid

The shadows know me

Let's leave the world behind

Take me through the night

Fall into the dark side

We don't need the light

We'll live on the dark side

I see it, let's feel it

While we're still young and fearless

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

Fall into the dark side

Give into the dark side

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

Beneath the sky

As black as diamonds

We're running out of time

Don't wait for truth

To come and blind us

Let's just believe their lies

Believe it, I see it

I know that you can feel it

No secrets worth keeping

So fool me like I'm dreaming

Take me through the night

Fall into the dark side

We don't need the light

We'll live on the dark side

I see it, let's feel it

While we're still young and fearless

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

Fall into the dark side

Give into the dark side

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

(Dark side)

Take me through the night

Fall into the dark side

We don't need the light

We'll live on the dark side

I see it, let's feel it

While we're still young and fearless

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

maaf kalo salah ya kk

Jawaban dan Penjelasan:


You were the shadow to my light

Did you feel us

Another start

You fade away

Afraid our aim is out of sight

Wanna see us


Where are you now

Where are you now

Where are you now

Was it all in my fantasy

Where are you now

Were you only imaginary

Where are you now


Under the sea

Under the sea

Where are you now

Another dream

The monsters running wild inside of me

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

These shallow waters, never met

What I needed

I'm letting go - a deeper dive

Eternal silence of the sea - I'm breathing


Where are you now

Where are you now

Under the bright - but faded lights

You've set my heart on fire

Where are you now

Where are you now

Where are you now


Under the sea

Under the sea

Where are you now

Another dream

The monsters running wild inside of me

I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded

I'm faded

So lost, I'm faded


We're not in love

We share no stories

Just something in your eyes

Don't be afraid

The shadows know me

Let's leave the world behind

Take me through the night

Fall into the dark side

We don't need the light

We'll live on the dark side

I see it, let's feel it

While we're still young and fearless

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

Fall into the dark side

Give into the dark side

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

Beneath the sky

As black as diamonds

We're running out of time

Don't wait for truth

To come and blind us

Let's just believe their lies

Believe it, I see it

I know that you can feel it

No secrets worth keeping

So fool me like I'm dreaming

Take me through the night

Fall into the dark side

We don't need the light

We'll live on the dark side

I see it, let's feel it

While we're still young and fearless

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

Fall into the dark side

Give into the dark side

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

(Dark side)

Take me through the night

Fall into the dark side

We don't need the light

We'll live on the dark side

I see it, let's feel it

While we're still young and fearless

Let go of the light

Fall into the dark side

3. apa arti lagu dari clarity dan faded?

kejelasan dan luntur
maaf kalo saya salah

4. Lirik lagu Faded Alan walker 《Terjemahan indo nya aj》

au adalah bayang-bayang cahayaku
Did you feel us?
Apa kau rasakan kami?
Another star
Satu bintang lagi
You fade away
Dirimu, memudar
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Kuatir bidikan kita tak terlihat
Wanna see us
Ingin melihat kita

Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
Was it all in my fantasy?
Apakah semua ini dalam fantasiku?
Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
Were you only imaginary?
Apakah kau hanya khayalan?

Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
Under the sea
Di bawah laut
Under the sea
Di bawah laut
Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
Another dream
Satu mimpi lagi
The monster's running wild inside of me
Monster menggila di dalam diriku
I'm faded
Aku memudar
I'm faded
Aku memudar
So lost, I'm faded
Sirna, aku memudar
I'm faded
Aku memudar
So lost, I'm faded
Sirna, aku memudar

These shallow waters never met what I needed
Air dangkal ini tak pernah penuhi yang kubutuhkan
I'm letting go a deeper dive
Aku menyelam lebih dalam
Eternal silence of the sea. I'm breathing alive
Keheningan abadi di lautan, aku bernafas

Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
Under the bright but faded lights
Di bawah terang tapi cahaya yang memudar
You've set my heart on fire
Kau tlah membakar hatiku
Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
Where are you now?
Dimana kini kau berada?
bahasa indonesia nya aja :

kau adalah bayang bayang cahaya ku
apa kau rasakan kami?
satu bintang lagi
dirimu memudar
kuatir bidikan kita tak terlihat
ingin melihat kita

dimana kini kau berada ?
dimana kini kau berada?
dimana kini kau berada?
apakah semua ini dalam fantasiku?
dimana kini kau berada?
apakah kau hanya khayalan?

dimana kini kau berada ?
dibawah laut
dibawah laut
dimana kini kau berada?

satu mimpi lagi
monster menggila di dalam diriku
aku memudar
aku memudar
sirna, aku memudar
aku memudar
sirna, aku memudar

5. gagasan utama dari lagu faded

mana lagunya..... jika membuat soap harus lengkap yyyshawdoh #maaf kalo salah

6. Kata kerja lagu faded

faded itu artinya terjatuh. dan lagu itu menceritakan tentang seorang manusia yang terjatuh ke lubang hitam penuh dosa ia ingin kembali ke jalan tuhannya dalam arti maksud nya ia ingin bertaubat kepada yang menciptakannya

(maaf kalo salah)

7. siapa nama penyanyi lagu faded?

alan walker................nama penyanyinya iselin solheim kalo gasalah

8. tanda garis (-)pada lirik lagu memiliki arti lirik lagu tersebut dinyanyaikan...?​


Tanda not garis lurus bermakna bahwa not tersebut di nyanyikan dengan nada tinggi atau rendah

Semoga membantu :)

9. Apa tema dari lagu faded?

tema nya adalah alan walker

10. kata kerja, kata benda, kata sifat, kata keterangan yang ada di lirik lagu faded


11. Tuliskan kata kerja, kata benda, kata sifat, dan kata keterangan yang ada dalam lirik lagu faded

verb (k.kerja)=feel,start,fade,see,run,met,go,lost,waters,needed,breath,dive
noun(k.benda)=shadow,sea,light,alive, sight,fantasy,dream,monsters,shallow,silence,bright
adjective (k.sifat)=my, imaginary,under,wild,deeper
adverb (k.keterangan)=now

12. Not angka lagu faded

ini not angka lagu faded

13. siapa pencipta lagu faded

pencipta lagu faded adalah
alan warker ,jesper borgen,gunnan grave

14. siapa pencipta lagu faded

Penciptanya : Alan Walker

15. Lirik lagu Jaranandengan arti lirik lagu jaranan​


Lagu Jaranan menceritakan tentang sebuah kesenian tradisional Jaranan yang dahulu digunakan untuk upacara-upacara sakral di keraton kerajaan. Saat ini, kesenian tersebut menjadi kesenian daerah dan sering kali dipertunjukan di acara-acara sakral.


Semoga membantu


Jaranan jaranan jarane jaran teji (Berkuda berkuda kudanya tinggi besar)

sing numpak Ndoro Bei sing ngiring paro abdi (Yang naik tuan Ngabehi yang

mengiring para pengikut)

Jeg jeg nong, jeg jeg gung, prok prok turut lurung

Gedebug krincing gedebug krincing, prok prok gedebug jedher

Jaranan Jaranan Jarane jaran kepang (Berkuda berkuda kudanya kuda kepang)

Sing nunggang klambi abang, mlakune ndhut ndutan (Yang menunggangi berbaju merah, jalannya anguk angukan)

Jeg jeg nong, jeg jeg gung, prok prok turut lurung

Gedebug krincing gedebug krincing, prok prok gedebug jedher

 Jaranan Jaranan Jarane jaran kore (Berkuda berkuda kudanya kuda kore ( jenis kuda perang))

ora ono kendaline, jarane mlayu dewe (Tidak ada kendalinya, kudanya lari sendiri)

Jeg jeg nong, jeg jeg gung, prok prok turut lurung

Gedebug krincing gedebug krincing

lagu jaranan memiliki Makna untuk menghormati orang yang lebih tua atau yang memiliki kedudukan


"Jaranan" merupakan lagu daerah berbahasa Jawa. Lagu ini berasal dari Jawa Tengah. Jaranan artinya bermain kuda-kudaan

Semoga Membantu Dan Maaf Kalau Salah ^_^

16. siapa nama lagu faded

Alan Walker ft. Iselin Solheim
Alan Walker

semogamembantu # kawan

17. kata kerja, kata sifat, kata benda, kata keterangan yang ada di lirik lagu faded

Faded~Alan Walker

Kata kerja: breathing, running, letting, set

Kata sifat: wild, bright, shallow, deep

Kata benda: water, fire


18. apakah lagu Faded lagu dije

Lagu fade termasuk lagu Djlagu faded itu bukan lagu dj

19. lagu tentang apakah alan walker faded​


Menceritakan tentang sesoerang yang tersesat dan mencari seorang yang dipedulikannya.

20. siapa yang membuat lagu faded

yg menciptakan lagu faded adala results
Lagunya keren...

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