Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Athletes With The College Track Team Next Month

The Athletes With The College Track Team Next Month

the athletes....with the college track team next month

Daftar Isi

1. the athletes....with the college track team next month

The athletes CONTEST with the college track team next month

2. The athelets. With the college track team next month.


the athletes with the team will track at colleges next month

3. the athletes will... the college track team next mont

the athletes will sick

4. 7.I will not dad about the accident.He will get angry than. ​a.tell ​ tell ​c.telling ​d.tells ​e.told 8.The athlete............with the college track team next month ​a.trains ​b.trained ​c.will train ​d.will trained ​ 9.Manda​:I.......the student exchange programme next year. Kiki​:That’s good idea ​a.join ​b.will be join ​c.will joining ​d.joining ​e.will join

7. A. Tell (memberitahu)

8. C. Will Train (akan berlatih)

9. E. Will Join (akan Mengikuti)


7. A. Tell

8. C. Will train

9. E. Will join

Pembahasan Future Tense

Tenses yg digunakan utk menyatakan Kegiatan yg akan dilakukan atau terjadi di masa yg akan datang.

Rumus Future Tense

(+) S + will + V1

(-) S + will not + V1

(?) Will + S + V1 ?


7. I will not tell my dad about the accident. He will get angry then. (A)

Saya tidak akan cerita pada ayahku tentang kecelakaan itu. Dia akan marah nantinya.Penjelasan:

(-) S + will not + V1

I + will not + tell

8. The athlete will train with the college track team next month. (C)

Atlet akan berlatih dengan tim lintasan perguruan tinggi bulan depanPenjelasan:

(+) S + will + V1

The athlete + will + train

9. Manda: I will join the student exchange programme next year.

Saya akan bergabung dengan program pertukaran pelajar tahun depan.

Kiki: That’s good idea

itu ide bagus.Penjelasan:

(+) S + will + V1

I + will + join


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Future Tense:

Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa inggris

Materi: Future Tense

Level: JHS

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5

KataKunci: will not tell, will train, will join

5. The class .... the documentary till next month​


the class of

Penjelasan:maaf kalo salah

6. dina:will indonesia badminton team win on the thomas and vber cup next month sari:.........the team had practicedhar for monts har

yes, i think they will cause...

7. C. Simple Present Tense 1. My Website... (be) the best source for english learnes today 2. your parents ... (be) proud of you if you finish your study at university 3. I ... (Buy) a new car next week 4. the athletes..... (train) with the college track team next month 5. I ... (not tell) my dad about the accident Mohon Bantuannya



1. My Website is the best source for English learners today

2. Your parents will be proud of you if you finish your study at university

3. I will buy a new car next week

4. The athletes will train with the college track team next month

5. I will not tell my dad about the accident


Simple Future tense merupakan verb tense yang  digunakan dalam menjelaskan perencanaan/prediksi kejadian yang akan diwujudkan di masa mendatang.

Keterangan waktu (adverb of time ) yang digunakan dalam simple future tense antara lain : next day, tomorrow, tonight, later, two days later, soon, tomorrow morning and etc.

Rumus :

1. Verbal sentence

Kalimat yang predikatnya terdiri dari subyek pengikat dan kata kerja utama. Example : pass, come, go, visit and etc.

(+) Subject+will+verb 1 + O/C    

(-)  Subject+will+not+verb 1 + O/C

(?) Will+Subject+verb 1 + O/C ?

Example :

(+) She will draw a new picture next week.

(-)  She will not draw a new picture next week

(?) Will she draw a new picture next week?

2. Nominal sentence

Kalimat yang predikatnya terdiri dari  subyek pengikat dan diikuti dengan kata benda(noun)/ kata sifat(adjective)/keterangan (adverb).

(+) Subject+will+be+noun/adjective/adverb

(-) Subject+will+not+be+noun/adjective/adverb

(?) Will+subject+be+noun/adjective/adverb?

Example :

(+) Mr. Bill will be in the hospital tomorrow night

(-)  Mr. Bill will not be in the hospital tomorrow night

(?) Will Mr, Bill be in the hospital tomorrow night?

Untuk menyatakan prediksi kegiatan di waktu mendatang, dapat menggunakan modal auxiliary "shall." Modal auxiliary "shall" hanya digunakan untuk subjective pronoun  "I" dan "We."

Rumus :

(+) S+shall+verb 1 + O/Complement

(-) S+shall+not +verb 1 + O/Complement

(?) Shall+S+verb 1 + O/Complement?

Pembahasan soal

1. My Website is the best source for English learners today

Termasuk simple present tensePenanda waktu saat ini "today"Tobe "is" disesuaikan dengan bentuk subyek tunggal nya "website"

2.  Your parents will be proud of you if you finish your study at university

Termasuk simple future tensePrediksi/hal yang mungkin saja benar terjadi Dalam kategori  conditional tipe ke 1, terkait hal yang mungkin terjadi

3. I will buy a new car next week

Termasuk simple futureTerdapat penanda waktu "next week" { minggu depan }

4. The athletes will train with the college track team next month

Termasuk simple futureTerdapat penanda waktu "next month" { bulan depan }

5. I will not tell my dad about the accident

Termasuk simple futureKategori prediksi/ kejadian yang memungkinkan

Note :

Simple present tense terkait informasi terkini, kebiasaan yang berulang, hal-hal fakta maupun fenomena.

Simple Future tense terkait hal-hal mungkin saja terjadi {prediksi}


Learn more about :

1. Simple future

2. Simple Present

See detail

Level        : Jhs  (9)

Subject    : English

Code        : 5  

Category  : Sentence Structure

Categorization : 9.5.5

Keywords = Simple future; Simple present; next week; next month


8. The athletes . . . . . with the college track team next month. Trainsb. Trainedc. Will traind. Have joinedtolong kak ​


c. Will train


[Simple future tense]

Tense ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan keadaan yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Modal verb yang biasa digunakan 'will' dan 'shall'.

Formula (verbal sentence)

(+) Subject + will + verb1

(-) Subject + will + not + verb1

(?) Will + subject + verb1 ?

"The atheletes ... with the college track team next month"

》Perhatikan! Pada kalimat di atas terdapat kata next month (bulan depan). Kata ini menandakan bahwa kejadian ini akan terjadi di masa depan.

Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah (C) Will train

9. Simple Future Tense dari 1.... Galis give back risda's phone? 2. tomorrow ... rainy3. willy.... all of his ftiends to the celebration next week. 4. l will not.... my ded about the accident. 5. the athletes.... with the college track team next mont. 6. l will... to your party. 7. l will.... by myself. 8. Buatlah kalimat berikut kedalam bentuk simple future tense affirmative : is he going to go to school by motorcycke? ​


1. Will

2. will be

3. will invite

4. tell

5. will play

6. come

7. do it

8. will he go to school by motorcycle?

smoga membantu yaa hehe :)

10. 1. Its is august. It is the ..... Month of the year Last month was .... Next month is .... 2. It is November. It is the .... Month of the year Last month was ... Next month is ....


it is the seventh month of the year

last month was december

next month is september

it is november

it is the eleventh month of the year

last month was december

next month is december


11. 7. Complete the table with names of month!Last monthThis monthNext monthAprilJuneSeptemberJuly​


last month → Mey, june, July, August

this month → April, Mey , june, July

next month →july, August, September, october


last month ==> march, june, july, june

this month ==> april, july, august, july

next month ==> may, august, september, august

12. I....Enroll the comunity college next month. ​




time of signal : next month = Bulan depan

maka tensesnya yaitu future tense

will -> akan

13. The athletes .... with the college track team next month a. trainsb. trainedc. will traind. have joined​


will train karena future/ masa mendatang jadinya pake will


c.will train

maaf kalau salah

14. 1. .... Rama give back Dayat's phone tomorrow? A. Is B. Will C. Does D. Was E. Not 2. The athletes ..... With the college track team next month A. Trains B. Trained C. Will be trained D. Have joined E. Will training

Jawaban:B. WillC. Will be trained


1. Will + S + Verb 1 + O

=> Will Rama give back Dayat's phone tomorrow?

Akankah Rama mengembalikan HP dayat besok?Penjelasan:Future => will (akankah)Subject => RamaVerb 1 => give back (mengembalikan)Object => Dayat’s phone (hp dayat)Adverb of time => tomorrow (besok)

2. S + will be + Verb 3

=> The athletes will be trained With the college track team next month

Para atlet akan dilatih dengan tim lintasan perguruan tinggi bulan depanPenjelasan:Subject => The athletes (para atlet)Future => Will (akan)be + Verb 3 => be trained (dilatih)Complement => With the college track team next month (dengan tim lintasan perguruan tinggi bulan depan)

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Future

Level: JHS

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 9.5

15. 20. Fill in the blanks with the right months !a.Last month was January. Next month isb. The last month of the year isc.The eighth month of the year isd. Next month is October. Last month wase. The month before January is​

A. February
B. December
C. August
D. September
E. December

16. lumayan ini dapat 10 poin complete the table with the name of the months in a year in sequence last month=> ..... this month=>JUNE next month=>.... pakai cara/ penjelasannya


Mention some expression of congratulations

17. .It is JulyIt is the... month of the yearlast month was month is2.of the yearIt is octoberit is the... monthlast month month isof the year3. Its Januaryit is the ... monthI last month wasNext month is​


1)7th (seventh)






3)1st (first)



18. What is the fifth month of the year?b. What is the last month of the year?c. This month is May. The previous month isd. This month is July. The next month ise. The month after February isf. The month before November isg. This month is April. The next three months ish. This month is January. The next two months isNext month is December. This month isNext month is July. The previous month is​


a. May

b. December

c. April

d. August

e. March

f. October

g. July

h. March

i. November

j. May

19. 6. Will you ..... the suspect tomorrow?a. Arrestingb. Arrestc. Arrestedd. To arrest7. I will not ..... my Dad about the accident.a. Tellb. Tellingc. Tellsd. To tell8. The athletes..... with the college track team next month.a. Trainsb. Trainedc. Will traind. Have joined9. Manda: 1 ..... the students exchange programme next year.Kiki: that's good idea​


6. b. arrest

7. a. tell

8. c. will train.


20. What the seasons next month?

What the seasons next month?
= apa musim/cuaca di bulan depan?

semoga membantu

"What the season of next month?" Artinya "Apa musim di bulan depan?"


"The season of next month is rainy season"

Artinya "Musim di bulan depan adalah musim penghujan"

Good luck

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