Monday, September 19, 2022

Dialog Giving Opinion

Dialog Giving Opinion

contoh dialog asking opinion,giving opinion positif, dan giving opinion negatif di jadikan satu dialog​

1. contoh dialog asking opinion,giving opinion positif, dan giving opinion negatif di jadikan satu dialog​



Aisyah : Have you tried the cake?

Benny : Yes

Aisyah : what do you think of the cake?

Benny : It's so delicious! , I like it!


Aisyah : Have you tried the cake?

Benny : Yeah

Aisyah : What do you think of the cake?

Benny : it feels a little bad, I don't like it.

2. contoh dialog giving opinion​


you should forget he soon, find a better man

Jawab:maaf kalau salah

3. buat lah dialog tentang giving dan isking opinion​


Trevor: Have you heard about our school’s plan to ban smartphones in the school?

Matt : Yeah

Trevor: What do you think about it?

Matt : Well, I think that’s fair enough.

Trevor: why do you think so?

Matt : you see… Smartphones have caused so much trouble in our class. Remember yesterday’s history class? Our teacher got very angry because was interrupt by smartphone ringing many times. This may happen again and again.

Trevor: Eh… Yea…

itu yaa contoh dialog giving dan isking opinion

4. contoh dialog role play asking opinion dan giving opinion, dialognya yang agak panjang ...

Kiku: What do you think of my drawing, Feli?
Feli: I think its too pale. You should add more colors.
Kiku: Thanks. What about now? Is it much better?
Feli: You should add sky blue to some parts of it.
Kiku: Okay. Thank you.

5. dialog percakapan b.inggris giving opinion

a : what do you think about this bag?
b : i think the bag is not cute
c : really? o dont think soi think that clothes it's very suitable for you

6. contoh dialog asking dan giving opinion

Contoh dialog asking dan giving opinion

Rose: "Hey Lisa, what do you think of this dress?"

Lisa: "I think the color suits you, Rose. It looks good on you."

Rose: "Thank you, Lisa. How about this purse?"

Lisa: "I don't think the color fits the dress."

Rose: "Yeah, you're right. Let's pay for this dress first."


Terjemahan dialog asking dan giving opinion

Rose: "Hei Lisa, bagaimana menurutmu gaun ini?"

Lisa: "Menurutku warnanya cocok untukmu, Rose. Ini terlihat bagus untukmu."

Rose: "Terima kasih, Lisa. Bagaimana dengan tas ini?"

Lisa: "Kurasa warnanya tidak cocok dengan gaunnya."

Rose: "Ya, kamu benar. Mari kita bayar dulu gaun ini."

Dialog diatas merupakan contoh dialog dari asking and giving opinion. Asking and giving opinion merupakan ungkapan yang biasa diucapkan ketika kita meminta atau memberikan opini atau pendapat mengenai suatu hal, seperti tindakan atau benda. Hal ini juga sama seperti asking and giving suggestion yang digunakan untuk memilih hal yang terbaik.

Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk asking for an opinion yakni:

Would you like to give your opinion on this video? (Maukah kamu memberi pendapatmu tentang video ini?).What do you think ofHarry Potter? (Apa pendapat kamu tentang Harry Potter?).

Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk giving an opinion yakni:

In my opinion the speaker on this video presented the great material. (Menurut saya, pembicara dalam video ini menyajikan materi yang bagus).I think it's boring. I prefer Twilight to Harry Potter. (Saya pikir itu membosankan. Saya lebih suka Twilight daripada Harry Potter).

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang kalimat saran dan penawaran dalam bahasa Inggris: tentang giving suggestion: tentang asking and offering help:


Detail jawaban  

Kelas: 11

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Making suggestion and offer

Kode: 11.5.1


7. Make dialog about giving opinion

buat dialog tentang memberi opini
maaf klo salah

8. Dialog Asking and giving opinion

hello anny happy birthday
hiii anna thank you ,what do you think about my dress ?? 
i think is wonderfull dress
thank you , what it is ?? 
this gift from me to you ??
thank you anna 
your welcome 
Tambahin sendiri mau apa :D

9. Buatlah dialog tentang asking for opinion dan giving opinion!​


Eric: Hi, Andre! I think I am going to give my girlfriend a birthday gift next week. What kind of gift do you think I should give her?

Andre: I think you should give her a birthday cake and maybe a new dress.

10. Buat+2+dialog+singkat+giving+opinion


Sinta: Hey, you look so confused, what is happen?

Yuni: You know? I have to come to the party tonight, but i don't know what to use.

Sinta: Hmm. I suppose you have many clothes.

Yuni: Yeah, but i confused which one is better? Red or Grean or Blue?

Sinta: Owhh.. I feel the red one is better, you'll look nice using that.

Yuni: Really?

Sinta: Sure, ah ha you can also use my silver shoes.

Yuni: Owh thanks

11. dialog tentang asking, giving dan declining opinion

A : Have you heard today's weather forecast? it says it will be rain
B : Are you agree with that?
A : No, of course not. What about you?
B : I'm agree. Why did you disagree with that?
A : I think it won't be rain. Because yesterday is already rain. And this isn't rainy season.
B : Hmm, i think you're right too. I guess it won't be rain

12. Dialog tentang asking and giving opinion dong?

What do you thing about me? (asking)
I think you're Beautiful (Opinion)

A : You know a new president?
B : yes i know, he's  jokowi
A : What do you think about him?
B : emmm maybe jokowi smart? cool?

13. contoh dialog asking opinion giving opinion tentang sekolah

maria : hi bryan, what are you doing?
bryan : hi maria. nothing,hmm. can i have your ideas about our school?
maria : sure. i think our school is wonderful and so comfortable. how about you?
bryan : yes,i think so too.

14. contoh dialog giving opinion dan response?

David  : Hai jafar?
Jafar   :Hello David!
David  :What do you think about my new car?
Jafar   :I think very fantastic but you don't have Driver's License..
David  : I know.Thanks for your opinion..

15. Dialog opinion dengan respond, asking dan giving

Dialog Asking & Giving :
*Nana : What do you think about my new hair?
*Frisca : i think that you look so beautiful with your new hair.

*Vany : what's your opinion about our house?
*icha : in my opinion this house is too big for us

16. buatlah dialog tentang Asking Opinion and giving opinion (Dialog 2 orang)​


A: Hi B...

B: Hey A..

A: you look so happy, what’s happening?

B: Yeah I am happy now. Because I have a new handphone

A: seriously?

B: Yes, Look! It is my new handphone. What do you think?

A: I Think, your new handphone is really good

B: Really? Thanks For saying it.

A: yeah. You’re welcome

PEMBAHASAN Asking Opinion digunakan untuk menanyakan sebuah pendapat tentang suatu hal. Giving Opinion digunakan untuk memberikan respon berupa pendapat tentang suatu hal.

Expressions:What is your opinion?What is your idea?What do you think of ...?What do you think about ...?What are you feeling?

Response:In my opinion ...In my view ...I think ...I personally believe ...As far I knowFrom my point of view ...


A: Hi B...

B: Hey A..

A: you look so happy, what’s happening?


Percakapan antara si A dan Bdimulai dengan saling menyapa Si A melihat si B terlihat senang jadi bertanya “ada apa?”

2. Asking Opinion

B: Yeah I am happy now. Because I have a new handphone

A: seriously?

B: Yes, Look! It is my new handphone. What do you think?


Si B menjawab bahwa ia memang sedang bahagia karena mendapatkan sebuah HP baru Mendengar Jawaban si B, si A kaget jadi bertanya “seriusan?”Si B mengiyakan dan menunjukkan HPnya lalu bertanya pada si A “apa pendapatmu?”

3. Giving OpinionA: I Think, your new handphone is really good

B: Really? Thanks For saying it.

A: yeah. You’re welcome


Si A menyatakan pendapatnya “Saya rasa, HP barumu sangat bagus”Si B yg mendengarnya kaget sekaligus berterimakasihSi A mengiyakan


Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi Asking and Giving Opinion:

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Asking and Giving Opinion

Kelas: 8

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5


17. Dialog giving opinion dan 5contoh soal?

Giving opinion Formal :
- I personally believe …..
- I personally consider ….
- I personally think /feel ….
- I hold the opinion ….
- My own view of the matter is ……
- Well, personally …….
- If I had my view, I would …..

- I think I like it.
- I don’t think I care for it.
- I think it’s good/nice/terrific……..
- I think that awful/not nice/terrible…………
- I don’t think much of it.
- I think that……..
- In my opinion, I would rather……….
- In my case …..
- What I’m more concerned with ….
- What I have in my mind is………
- The way I see is that…………
- No everyone will agree with me, but ….
- To my mind …..
- From my point of view ….
- If you aks me, I feel ….
- Absolutely ………
1.  X : We’ll have a long holiday next month. 
What are you going to do?
Y : ....
X : I hope you have a nice trip.
a. I am thinking of going to Bali
b. Sorry, I can’t tell you
c. It’s not your business
d. I have nothing to do
e. I don’t know what to do
2. A : What do you think about the film ?
B : I think .......................
a. I like it
b. Thank you
c. i can’t hear you
d. you forget it
e. let’s go
3. ........................ he is polite.
a. I don’t think
b. I don’t
c. What do you
d. What your opinion
e. i don’t understand
4. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Eric : I don’t think so ................ Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
a. I know it
b. I am thinking of
c. He forget it
d. In my opinion
e. see you

5. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sri : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
a. you must sing
b. you should lie down and have some rest
c. you can see the doctor tonight
d. I will take you to the hospital
e. I must take some rest, too
i think i like it
i think that ...
in my case ...

what do you think of this?
i think it so good.

do you have any idea?
yes, how about this place for camping.

what is your opinion?
in my opinion i would agree about him.

what are you feeling about that?
it's very danger keep out of child

are you like this place?
i think i like it

18. buatlah dialog giving opinion dan terjemahannya


Sebelum membuat dialog mengenai giving opinion, kita sebaiknya mengetahui ungkapan seperti apa yang digunakan untuk menyatakan giving opinion.

Berikut contoh expression of giving opinion:

1. I think ...

2. I feel ...

3. In my opinion, ...

4. For me, ...

5. My opinion is ...

Sebelum memberi pendapat, kita biasanya ditanya terlebih dahulu. Nah, untuk menanyakan pendapat orang lain kita dapat menggunakan expression of asking opinion. Berikut contohnya:

1. What do you think about ... ?

2. What do you think of ... ?

3. Do you think ... ?

4. What's your opinion of ... ?

5. What's your view on ... ?

Berikut contoh dialog yang menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan diatas

A: Hey, A!

(A: Hai, A!)

B: Hey. What's up?

(B: Hai, ada apa?)

A: If i recall it correctly, it's been 3 months since you moved to Surabaya from Jakarta, right?

(A: jika saya mengingatnya dengan benar, sudah 3 bulan berlalu sejak kamu pindah ke Surabaya dari Jakarta, kan?)

B: Yes, you're right.

(B: ya, kamu benar)

A: I'm collecting data for my research, It's about Jakarta and Surabaya. Can i have your opinion?

(A: Saya sedang mengumpulkan data untuk penelitianku. Penelitiannya mengenai Jakarta dan Surabaya. Bolehkan saya meminta pendapat mu?)

B: Sure

(B: tentu)

A: Alright, What do you think about Surabaya? Do you like it?

(A: Baiklah, apa pendapatmu mengenai Surabaya? Apakah kamu menyukainya?)

B: If i compare it to Jakarta. I think Surabaya is much better than Jakarta. I can't bear the traffic jam in Jakarta. Surabaya also has traffic jam but its traffic jam is better than Jakarta.

(B: jika saya bandingkan dengan Jakarta. menurutkua Surabaya jauh lebih baik daripada Jakarta. Saya tidak tahan dengan kemacetan di Jakarta. Surabaya juga mengalami kemacetan tetapi kemacetannya lebih baik daripada Jakarta.)

A: Really?

(A: benarkah?)

B: yeah, you can feel the traffic jam all day in Jakarta, but in Surabaya, the traffic jam is during specific time only.

(B: ya, kamu dapat merasakan kemacetan di jakarta sepanjang hari, tetapi di Surabaya, kemacetan hanya terjadi pada waktu tertentu saja)

A: Oh i see, anything else?

(A: oh, saya paham. ada yang lain?)

B: Oh, I think the food in Surabaya is also tasty despite of its affordable price, things in Jakarta are more expensive. The shops here are quite complete, i can find anything i look for. But Jakarta is more complete, of course. Personally, i like Surabaya more than Jakarta.

(B: Oh, menurutku makanan di Surbaya juga enak meskipun harganya murah, barang-barang di Jakarta lebih mahal. Toko-toko disini juga cukup lengkap, saya dapat menemukan apapun yang saya cari. tetapi, tentu saja, Jakarta lebih lengkap. Secara pribadi, saya lebih menyukai Surabaya daripada Jakarta.)

A: Wow, i'm glad to hear that you enjoy living here.

(A: Wow, saya senang mendengar bahwa anda senang tinggal disini)

B: Yeah, i was afraid at first. But, Surabaya is not as bad as i think.

(B: Ya, awalnya saya takut. tetapi, Surabaya tidak seburuk yang saya kira)

A: Well, i think that's all i want to ask. Thank your for you time.

(A: Yah, menurutku itu saja yang ingin saya tanyakan. Terima kasih atas waktunya)

B: No problem.

(B: tidak masalah)

Mudah-mudahan jawaban diatas dapat membantu menjawab pertanyaanmu. Sebagai tambahan, kamu dapat mengunjungi link-link berikut untuk melihat contoh dialog lain mengenai giving opinion.

Detil tambahan:

Kelas: SMA

Pelajaran: bahasa inggris

kategori: expressions

19. Dialog tentang giving opinion about giving money to beggars



Elsa: "What do you think of those who give money to beggars?

Helen: "I think it's a commendable act Do you agree with me?

Elsa: "I do not agree with you, Helen.

Helen: "Can you tell me why?

Elsa: "According to my opinion, They should be able to look for other jobs so they do not always beg for others.

Helen:"I see.


20. dialog tentang giving opinion social media


Elsa :"What do you think about social media,Helen?

Helen:"I think social media can bring us to do some bad habbit.

Elsa:"Can you tell me the reason why?

Helen;"Yes,..because of social media there are lots of people wasting their time in a long time. It make them lazy to do the other thing that more important than social media.
By the way,do you agree with me,Elsa?

Elsa : I don't agree with your opinion. According to me, social media has a good influence for the youngster of our country. By social media, they can get some new things, they can have a new friend, they can sell or buy something, they get a lot of informarion, and they can relex theirselves with it.

Helen:"Both of us are not the same and have some different "point of view"

Elsa:"Yes, Helen. But we must remember one thing that different is beautiful like"Bhineka Tunggal Ika".

Helen:"I see, Elsa.Thanks

Elsa:"Ok, Helen.


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