Saturday, November 19, 2022

Arti Lice

Arti Lice

apa arti dari "telling lice"tolong di jawab yak ^^​

Daftar Isi

1. apa arti dari "telling lice"tolong di jawab yak ^^​


mangatakan kutu

kayak nya itu sih

Jawaban: mengatakan kutu mungkin ini


2. kalimat plural dari kata lice​




jika mau penjelasan lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di dictionary sendiri yaa.

3. 2. A number of lice........invading the little girl's head as the parasite.​


Indefinite Quantifier:

A number of lice ARE invading the little girl's head as the parasite.


Jawaban dalam huruf kapital dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Indefinite Quantifier (pembilang tak tentu) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Indefinite Quantifier (a number of) diikuti oleh kata benda dalam bentuk jamak (lice) sehingga Tobe yang digunakan agar sesuai aturan "Subject +Verb agreement" (kesepakatan subjek + kata kerja) adalah "are" seperti pada jawaban di atas.

Semoga membantu ya.

4. terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia Benny and jaka are on their way to thebogor botan I cal gardenJaka : I've mever seen a Rafflesia Elowermy lice before.I wonder what it looksBenny : you'll be surprised whenyousee it ​

Jawaban :

Benny dan jaka sedang dalam perjalanan ke kebun Raya Bogor

Jaka: Saya belum pernah melihat Rafflesia Elower

kutu saya sebelumnya.

Saya ingin tahu apa yang terlihat

Benny: Anda akan terkejut ketika kamu lihat itu

Benny dan jaka sedang dalam perjalanan ke kebun raya bogor.
Jaka : Saya belum pernah melihat bunga Rafflesia sebelumnya. Kira-kira seperti apa rupanya
Benny : Kamu akan kaget kalau melihatnya

5. no8.A: 1 heard some one was trying to get into myhouse. I am worry if he is a should take a rest.what if you study harder?what about calling your friend for help?you had better call the po lice.​


you had better call the police


if u choose 'what about calling your friend for help?' menurutku sih,gak seberapasafety,bayangin aja jika rumah kalian yang seperti itu.terus kalian malah nelpon temen,that's bad idea,gimana kalo langsung telpon polisi aja.thanks

6. MENYESALPagiku hilang sudah melayangHani mudaku sudah pergiSekarang petang datang membayangBatang usiaku sudah tinggiAku lalai di hari pagiBeta lengah dimasa mudaKini hidup meracuni hatiMiskin ilmu miskin hartaLICE(A Hasyim)Persarmaan bunyi yang terdapat pada baris pertama puisi di atas adalah..A Hilang dan melayangB. Pagiku dan hilangC. Pagiku dan melayangD. Sudah dan melayangE. Pagiku dan tinggi​


A.hilang dan melayang


7. What Shold we do the tomatoe before putting them onto the lice of bread.


We should cut the tomato into pieces using a knife until the original tomato disappeared


Jika tidak, maka tomat itu tidak akan muat di sebuah roti.

(If not, then the tomato is not gonna fit in a bread)


8. TEXT 2. IDENTIFY THE ADVERBIALS VERB! Head lice can be treated by wet combing. For it to be efiective. wet combing needs to be regular and thorough. These are the steps of wet combing. First, wash the hair using ordinary shampoo and apply plenty of conditioner, before using a wide-toothed comb to straighten and untangle the hair. Second, switch to the louse detection comb. Third, draw the comb down to the ends of the hair with every stroke, and check the comb for lice. Next, remove lice by wiping or rinsing the comb. Then, work methodically through the hair, section by section, so that the whole head is combed through Finally, rinse out conditioner and repeat the combing procedure Repeat the procedure on days 5, 9, and 13. So that you clear young lice as they hatch, before they have time to reach maturity.


Kutu rambut bisa diobati dengan menyisir basah. Agar efektif.

menyisir basah perlu dilakukan secara teratur dan menyeluruh. Ini langkah-langkahnya

menyisir basah. Pertama, cuci rambut menggunakan sampo biasa dan

oleskan banyak kondisioner, sebelum menggunakan sisir bergigi jarang

meluruskan dan mengurai rambut. Kedua, ganti ke kutu

deteksi sisir. Ketiga, tarik sisir ke ujung rambut

dengan setiap pukulan, dan periksa sisir untuk kutu. Selanjutnya, hilangkan kutu

dengan menyeka atau membilas sisir. Kemudian, kerjakan secara metodis melalui

rambut, bagian demi bagian, sehingga seluruh kepala disisir

Terakhir, bilas kondisioner dan ulangi prosedur menyisir

Ulangi prosedur ini pada hari ke 5, 9, dan 13. Agar Anda bersih muda

kutu saat menetas, sebelum mereka memiliki waktu untuk mencapai kematangan

semoga membantu! :)

9. fast faster small smaller Number 3 Number 4 long longer longest beautiful more beautiful most beautiful Example: Number 1 Dani : Which one is bigger, a lice or a bug? Haidar: Of course, a bug. A bug is bigger than a lice.​


Jika nama bisa terserah ingin diganti apa ya

Number 2

Ron : Who is faster, Don or Ken?

Sam : Don is fast, but Ken is faster than Don

Number 3

Ron : Whose hair is the longest, Alex, Rani, or Nanda?

Sam : Of course Nanda, Nanda has the longest hair

Number 4

Ron : Which one is the most beautiful, bird, parrot, or peacocck?

Sam : Oh it's peacocck. Peacocck is the most beautiful of them all


Comparative and superlative

membedakan dua objek yang berbeda

Comparative =

Ada kata "than" setelah "adjective"

kata yang kurang dari 2 suku kata


Subjek 1 + to be ( is/am/are) + adjective/kata sifat (er) + than + subjek 2

contoh : I am taller than you

kecuali jika ada huruf paling belakang "y" meskipun 2 suku kata, di belakangnya maka diganti (ier)


funny menjadi funnier

he is funnier than her

Jika ada lebih dari satu suku kata maka ditambah kata "more"


subjek + to be (is/am/are) + more(lebih)adjective/kata sifat + than + subjek 2

contoh: he is more handsome than me


Ada kata "the" setelah "to be"

Kata kurang dari 2 suku kata


Subjek 1 + to be (is/am/are) + the + adjective (est) + subject 2

contoh : I am the tallest of all my classmates

kecuali jika ada huruf paling belakang "y" meskipun 2 suku kata, di belakangnya maka diganti (iest)


funny menjadi funniest

he is the funniest of all of my brothers

Jika ada lebih dari satu suku kata maka ditambah kata "most"


subjek + to be (is/am/are) + the + most(paling) adjective/kata sifat + subjek 2

contoh: he is the most handsome person that i know

10. VORWASHWheNIWYICILICEELSENINHNHN dan O5. Jika oleh suatu sebab tertentu darah kemasukan senyawa yang bersifat basa, ion OH- dari zat tersebutakan bereaksi dengan ....A. HOB. H-C. HCO.D. H.CO.E. CO2-​





11. TEXT 2 transliteHead lice can be treated by wet combing. For it to be efiective.wet combing needs to be regular and thorough. These are the stepsof wet combing. First, wash the hair using ordinary shampoo andapply plenty of conditioner, before using a wide-toothed comb tostraighten and untangle the hair. Second, switch to the lousedetection comb. Third, draw the comb down to the ends of the hairwith every stroke, and check the comb for lice. Next, remove liceby wiping or rinsing the comb. Then, work methodically through thehair, section by section, so that the whole head is combed throughFinally, rinse out conditioner and repeat the combing procedureRepeat the procedure on days 5, 9, and 13. so that you clear younglice as they hatch, before they have time to reach maturity.(Adapted from www.nhs ukQuestions:cars en firsttranslite kk​


entah yah dwk maaf ya maaf ya

12. head lice can be treated by wet combing for it to be effective. 1.What is the best tittle for the text above?


karana kdbdusbrosjr saya tdk tau

13. natikan Reenus Struktur dibana. ced9CH₂ - CH2-CH-CH - CH3Ctz OCH3 helH2-CH3tentukana. atom Ċ primer, sekundlice.С G​


apa sih soal nya menurut ku ga afa

14. Head lice can be treated by wet combing. For it to be effective, wet combing needs to be regular and thorough. These are the steps of wet combing. First, wash the hair using ordinary shampoo and apply plenty of conditioner, before using a wide-toothed comb to straighten and untangle the hair. Second, switch to the louse detection comb. Third, draw the comb down to the ends of the hair with every stroke, and check the comb for lice. Next, remove lice by wiping or rinsing the comb. Then, work methodically through the hair, section by section, so that the whole head is combed through. Finally, rinse out conditioner and repeat the combing procedure. Repeat the procedure on days 5, 9, and 13, so that you clear young lice as they hatch, before they have time to reach maturity.Tentukan Generic structure (aim/goal(tujuan), ingredients/materials, steps) Dan leangue Feature ( Kalimat simple present tense, imperative setences(kalimat perintah), conjunctive/connectives(kata penghubung), adverb( kata keterangan)Tolong bantu jawab ya kak​


Kutu rambut dapat diobati dengan menyisir basah. Agar efektif, penyisiran basah perlu dilakukan secara teratur dan menyeluruh. Ini adalah langkah-langkah menyisir basah. Pertama, cuci rambut menggunakan sampo biasa dan oleskan banyak kondisioner, sebelum menggunakan sisir bergigi lebar untuk meluruskan dan mengurai rambut. Kedua, beralih ke sisir pendeteksi kutu. Ketiga, tarik sisir ke ujung rambut dengan setiap sapuan, dan periksa kutu pada sisir. Selanjutnya, hilangkan kutu dengan menyeka atau membilas sisir. Kemudian, kerjakan secara metodis melalui rambut, bagian demi bagian, sehingga seluruh kepala disisir. Terakhir, bilas kondisioner dan ulangi prosedur menyisir. Ulangi prosedur ini pada hari ke 5, 9, dan 13, sehingga Anda dapat membersihkan kutu muda saat menetas, sebelum mereka memiliki waktu untuk mencapai kedewasaan. Tentukan Struktur Generik (aim/goal(tujuan), bahan/bahan, langkah) Dan leangue Feature ( Kalimat simple present tense, imperatif setences(kalimat perintah), conjunctive/connectives(kata penghubung), adverb( kata keterangan)


maaf kalo salah

15. 1.the singular of lice is louce2.the plural of goose is geeseitu gimana maksudnya tolong d jelasin yyitu udah ada jawabannya kok,,, yg kata2 paling belakang sendiri tu jawabannya yg d soal

1.Maksudnya adalah singular (satu) dari "lice"=(lice disini berasal dari " louce" yang jamak/lebih dari satu) adalah louce
2.Plural (Jamak/lebih dari satu) dari "goose" adalah "geese"

16. e. Every hoy lice Maura becausea. Cheap6. Sharpс. tоu huud. Expansive​



Mungkin yang E itu every boy like Maura because(semua laki suka Maura karena)



C.Tak tau aku itu apa


Mohon jadikan jawaban terbaik

Kalau salah maaf semaaf maafnya

Semoga bermanfaat

17. Pay attention to the following nouns. (1) Lice (2) Men (3) Fish (4) Trousers (5) Mathematics The correct singular form are shown by number .... a. (3) and (4) b. (4) and (5) c. (1) and (2) d. (2) and (3)Please help me :(​


a. (3) and (4)


Singular nouns refers to one place, person, or a thing. Meanwhile, anything that refers to more than one place, person, or thing are considered plural nouns.

Regular plural nouns

"-s" (for regular plural, words ending with vowel y and o); "-es" (for words ending with s, ch, sh, x, or z);"-ves" (for words ending with f or ef); "-ies" (for words ending with y consonant, eg. baby).

Irregular plural nouns

Example: Man -> Men, Louse -> Lice

No change

Example: Fish, Trousers, Mathematics

18. TEXT 1 Last Saturday, the 12-grade students went for a trip to the botanical garden. Some teachers were also with us. We gathered together in front of the schoolyard very early in the morning. It took us about two hours by bus to get there from our school. At the botanical garden, we did several things. First, we bought the entrance ticket. Second, we listened to our teachers' instructions about group activities. Next, we divided ourselves into groups based on our personal interests. Then, each group followed the assigned teacher. We spent the rest of the day with our groups doing a lot of activities. It was really a fun day for us. TEXT 2 Head lice can be treated by wet combing. For it to be effective, wet combing needs to be regular and thorough. These are the steps of wet combing. First, wash the hair using ordinary shampoo and apply plenty of conditioners, before using a wide-toothed comb to straighten and untangle the hair. Second, switch to the louse detection comb. Third, draw the comb down to the ends of the hair with every stroke, and check the comb for lice. Next, remove lice by wiping or rinsing the comb. Then, work methodically through the hair, section by section, so that the whole head is combed through. Finally, rinse out the conditioner and repeat the combing procedure. Repeat the procedure on days 5, 9, and 13, so that you clear young lice as they hatch before they have time to reach maturity. Tolong buat buat seperti teks produsen plissssssssssssssssssss


test you fan my fried the greet high late know

19. 6. Sakti: What does your father do, SantSantiHe keeps the oflice sale,a. He is a driverb. He is a chefc. He is a soldierd. He is a security guard​


D.He is a security guard


semoga membantu ya

20. tolong buatkan dialog/percakapan yang panjang 4 orang tentang service and suggestion. dengan tema => you can't lose weight. you really lice shooking. Doughnut it's your favorit junk food. tolong bantu yaaaa....

Tim: "It's been weeks since i'm on my diet and yet my weight is still the same."
Jane: "Well you kept on eating after all, even if you're on a diet you still ate at the same amount."
Tim: "But isn't that better??"
Jane: "That's not helping you at all, to add more, you ate cupcakes and doughnuts for lunch!"
Tim: "So?.."
Jane: "Tim! eating sweets for lunch would make you gain more weight."
Tim: "Oh i will never look handsome."
Jane: "Oh Tim.. so that's your target for doing a diet. Tim, you're already good looking."
Tim: "Really?"
Jane: 'Absolutely."
Tim: "Thanks Jane."

(maaf kalo salah)

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