Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Hugged Artinya

Hugged Artinya

She hugged her parents.If we change the sentence into a passive voice, it will be…a. she was hugged by her parentsb. her parents were hugged by herc. her parents was hugged by her d. here parents hugged her​

Daftar Isi

1. She hugged her parents.If we change the sentence into a passive voice, it will be…a. she was hugged by her parentsb. her parents were hugged by herc. her parents was hugged by her d. here parents hugged her​



Semoga bantu dan semoga bener juga

2. hugged terjemah kan ke hahasa indonesia​




maaf kalo salah ya




Semoga membantu

3. a. y 5. Her mother is hugging her. HOTS Which one is the passive voice for the sentence above? She had been hugged by her mother. b. She is going to be hugged by her mothert She will be hugged her mother. d. he is being hugged by her mother. C (21​


She had been hugged by her mother

maap kalo salah

4. on penanyaan nomor 1 sampai 5) Mom and I wanted to go to the park to have a picnic. Mom handed me a picnic basket to fill. I grabbed an apple. We chopped it up Mom helped me pack more snacks We packed them in. We filled the basket up quick! Mom and i walked to the park. We spotted Pam and her cat, Mack. They trotted over and I hugged Mack Mack waggad his pown Then. he jumped up to me! Oh, silly Mack! We all laughed and grinned. 1. What did they do in the park? Answer: 2 What did the writer grab? Answer: 3 What is Mack? Answer: 4. What is the basket for? Answer: 5. How did they go to the park? Answer:tolong diartikan yakalau mau ya dikerjakan sekalian kalau dikerjakan juga yang syukur terima kasih​


Ibu dan aku ingin pergi ke taman untuk piknik. Ibu memberiku keranjang piknik untuk diisi. Aku meraih sebuah apel. Kami memotongnya Ibu membantu saya mengemas lebih banyak makanan ringan Kami mengemasnya. Kami mengisi keranjang dengan cepat! Aku dan ibu berjalan ke taman. Kami melihat Pam dan kucingnya, Mack. Mereka berlari mendekat dan aku memeluk Mack Mack mengibaskan pionnya Lalu. dia melompat ke arahku! Oh, Mack bodoh! Kami semua tertawa dan tersenyum.

1. Apa yang mereka lakukan di taman?


2 Apa yang penulis ambil?


3 Apa itu Mack?


4. Untuk apa keranjang itu?


5. Bagaimana mereka pergi ke taman?



Ibu dan aku ingin pergi ke taman untuk piknik. Ibu memberiku keranjang piknik untuk diisi. Aku meraih sebuah apel. Kami memotongnya Ibu membantu saya mengemas lebih banyak makanan ringan Kami mengemasnya. Kami mengisi keranjang dengan cepat! Aku dan ibu berjalan ke taman. Kami melihat Pam dan kucingnya, Mack. Mereka berlari mendekat dan aku memeluk Mack Mack mengibaskan pionnya Lalu. dia melompat ke arahku! Oh, Mack bodoh! Kami semua tertawa dan tersenyum.

1. Apa yang mereka lakukan di taman? Menjawab: 2 Apa yang penulis ambil? Menjawab:

3 Apa itu Mak? Menjawab:

4. Untuk apa keranjang itu? Menjawab:

5. Bagaimana mereka pergi ke taman? Menjawab:

5. oh, no it was time to go home. we hugged grandma and grandpa, and we kissed them goodbye. i really enjoyed my holiday

oh, tidak. ini setelah pulang kerumah. kami berpelukan dengam kakek dan nenek. dan kami saling berciuman. selamat tinggal... aku sangat menikmati liburankuoh tidak, sekarang saat nya kembali ke rumah. kami memeluk nenek dan kakek, dan kami memberikan ciuman perpisahan. aku sangat menikmati liburanku.

6. apa bahasa indonesianya oh, no. it was time to go home. we hugged grandma and grandpa, and we kissed them goodbye. I really enjoyed my holiday

oh no: oh tidak
it was time to go home: ini waktunya pulang kerumah
we hugged grandma n grandpa: kami sayang nenek dan kakek
and we kissed them goodbye: dan kami mencum mereka saa t pwegi
i realyy enjoyed my holiday: saya sangat menykai liburan sayaoh, tidak. ini waktu pulang. kami memeluk nenek dan kakek dan kami menyium mereka sebagai ucapan selamat tinggal. aku sangat menikmati liburanku. (kalo ada kata kata yang salah mohon di bantu)

7. Rearrange the following sentence into a good paragraph 1.she hugged him happily 2.dian's mothers was very excited last sunday 3.she almost fainted when she met ari wibowo 4.now,you can see their picture in dian's house 5.then she took a picture with him

2 two
3 three
1 one
5 five
4 four2-3-1-4

Maaf kalo salah

8. Buatlag diagram pohon dari kumpulan phrasa dan kalimat berikut ini : 1.in the morning 2.the old lady 3.she slept 4.I am watching a movie 5.A dog lied on the floor 6.the cat killed the mouse 7.kate hugged the baby 8.shr is hunggry


9. I am Nisywah. I had one of my happiest moments in my life. It was My birthday. My parent gave a surprise for me. I got a Camera from them. They knew that I really love to take a photo or make a video. Then they said "Happy birthday to you" I screamed " Oh my God, Thank you so much" And I hugged and kissed Them. "I love you, Mom, Dad" They said "We love you too" Write one of the happiest moment in your life! ​


Saya Nisywah. Saya memiliki salah satu momen paling bahagia dalam hidup saya. Itu adalah hari ulang tahunku. Orang tua saya memberikan kejutan untuk saya. Saya mendapat Kamera dari mereka. Mereka tahu bahwa saya sangat suka mengambil foto atau membuat video. Kemudian mereka berkata "Selamat ulang tahun untukmu" Aku berteriak "Ya Tuhan, Terima kasih banyak" Dan aku memeluk dan mencium Mereka. "Aku mencintaimu, Bu, Ayah" Mereka berkata, "Kami juga mencintaimu

"Tulis salah satu momen paling bahagia dalam hidupmu!

10. Choose the simple past or the present perfect form of the verb in the following sentences. 1. Jen and Pavel (hugged/have hugged) when they met. 2. Emily (dated/has dated) some weirdos lately 3. Emily (dated/has dated) a very good-looking guy last Saturday 4. Philip and Anne (took/have taken) some great pictures with their new camera. 5. Jack proposed when he (realized/has realized) he loved Kate. 6. Paul (knew/has known) right away that Karine was the right girl for him. 7. Luc (thought/has thought) that Annie was very attractive. 8. Luc (thought/has thought) about Annie many times. 9. Jim and Lily (fell in love/have fallen in love) last year 10. My mother (told/has told) me frequently that l am too fussyplease help me!!

1. hugged
2. has dated
3. dated
4. took
5. realized
6. knew
7. thought
8. has thought
9. fell in love
10. has told

"Nothing's perfect, the world's not perfect, but it's there for us, trying the best it can. That's what makes it so damn beautiful." ~Roy Mustang

11. Change the past sentence into present tense sentence! She closed and hugged Malin very tightly.​


She close and hug Malin very tight


maaf kalo salah

12. Please read these two conditions of Anwar and Shinta. Then state your opinion on type of Greeting Card we should send to them. You can also make a brief sketch or simple draft of Greeting Card based on those situations.Shinta → She is my best friend. She is always a great listener and problem-solver. She always supports me whenever I'm down and having bad mood. Some days ago, one of my classmates shouted rude words at me. I cried and cried. Suddenly Shinta tapped my shoulder and hugged me warmly. *​


Thank you card.


You should thankful for her, because she always in in your side when you feel blue.

13. Choose the simple past or the present perfect form of the verb in the following sentences. 1. Jen and Pavel (hugged/have hugged) when they met. 2. Emily (dated/has dated) some weirdos lately 3. Emily (dated/has dated) a very good-looking guy last Saturday 4. Philip and Anne (took/have taken) some great pictures with their new camera. 5. Jack proposed when he (realized/has realized) he loved Kate. 6. Paul (knew/has known) right away that Karine was the right girl for him. 7. Luc (thought/has thought) that Annie was very attractive. 8. Luc (thought/has thought) about Annie many times. 9. Jim and Lily (fell in love/have fallen in love) last year 10. My mother (told/has told) me frequently that l am too fussyplease help me!!

1. Have Hugged 
2. Has Dated
3. Dated
4. Have taken
5. Has realized
6. Has known
7. Thought
8. Has thought
9. Fell in love
10. Has told

Sorry if I'm wrong :)

14. 1.Jen and pavel(...)when they met A.hugged B.have hugged 2.Emily(...)some weirdos lately A.dated B.has dated

1. A. Hugged
2. A.dated1. a
2. a
maaf kalau salah ^^

15. Write sentences with the following noun phrases!a. the doll hugged by my sisterb. the water to drink​


1. yesterday, I saw the doll hugged by my sister. She really loves her gift!

-kemarin, saya melihat boneka itu dipeluk oleh saudara perempuanku. Dia sangat menyukai hadiahnya!

2. there are so many drink, and that is the water to drink for now.

- ada begitu banyak minuman, dan itu adalah air yang (bisa) diminum untuk sekarang.


noun phrase itu lebih ke kata bendanya sih, semoga membantu yaa.


oiya, kalimat 1 itu kalimat past tense ya, karena ada kata kemarin (lampau)

kalimat 2 termasuk present karena berlangsung hari itu juga yaitu now (sekarang)

16. Read The Sentences underline The subject And predicate 1. Harry hugged the child 2.The old man went to the doctor 3. The red car won the race 4. The cat sat outside The house 5. The baby cries For milk TOLONG BANTU Sekalian tambahin yg disitu ada verb nya terus compliment atau adjective. PLEASE BANTU BANGET


1. Harry (s) - hugged (v) the child (o)

subject - predicate

2.The old (a) man (s) - went (v) to the doctor (c)

subject - predicate

3. The red (a) car (s) - won (v) the race (o)

subject - predicate

4. The cat (s) - sat (v) outside the house (c)

subject - predicate

5. The baby (s) - cries (v) for milk (c)

subject - predicate

Sorry if I'm mistaken

17. Change the statement into a yes/no question.Than make a Wh-question......? Yes/no1. Mr. Fuad loves his town......? Yes/no2. She likes chocolate......? yes/no3. We need a dictionary.....? Yes/no4. They play in the garden.....? Yes/no5. The cats sit on the wall...? Yes/No6. The hamster lives in cage.....? In cage7. They send a letter......? A letter8. James writes a good poems.....? James9. They go to Spain.....? Spain10. Miss. Nia hugged Mr. Fuad an hour ago.....? An hour agoBantuin donk

seharus nya di kasih text biar pengguna bisa menjawab pertanyaan anda

18. Berikan vebre 1 atau vebre 2 1.we did a lot of things together 2.we cooked and prepared our meals 3. After that we ate them 4. We also worked ini the garden climbed the trees and played some games 5. Everybody was happy 6.oh, no it was time to go home 7.we hugged grandma and grandparents,and we kissed them goodbye 8. I really enjoyed my holiday PLISSSS JAWABB!!!

1) Verb 2 = did >> Verb 1 nya do
2) Verb 2 = cooked, prepared >> verb 1 nya cook, prepare
3) Verb 2 = ate >> verb 1 ny eat
4) verb 2 = worked, climbed, played >> verb 1 nya >> work, climb, play
5) verb 2 = was >> verb 1 ny is
6) verb 2 = was >> verb 1 ny is
7) verb 2 = hugged, kissed >> verb 1 nya hug, kiss
8) verb 2 = enjoyed >> verb 1 ny enjoy

19. combine the following sentences by using so..that or such..thatquestion!2.It was an expensive car we couldn't afford to buy it.3.I head to wear my wool coat.It was a cold day.4.The weather was hot you.Could fry and egg on the sidewark.5.I don't feel like going to class we're heaving beautiful weather.6.Granpa held me tightly when we hugged me.I couldn't breathe for a moment.

Subject : English

Level :

Category : Conjunctions

Keywords : so that, such that

Code : 5

SO/SUCH ... THAT adalah kata sambung (conjunction) yang

menyatakan hasil.

SO ... THAT vs SUCH ... THAT

SO diikuti oleh adjective atau adverb

Contoh :

He is SO TALL that he can reach the top shelf.

SO + Many/Few + plural nouns

Contoh :

She has SO MANY DRESSES that she needs a whole room for


SO + Much/Little + Uncountable Nouns

Contoh :

I have SO MUCH MONEY that I don't know what to do with it.

SUCH diikuti oleh adjective + noun

He is SUCH A TALL BOY that he can reach the top shelf.


2. The car was so expensive that we couldn't afford to buy it.

It was such an expensive car that we couldn't afford to buy it.

3. The day was so cold that I had to wear my wool coat.

It was such a cold day that I had to wear my wool coat.

4. The weather was so hot that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

It was such hot weather that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

5. The weather we're having is so beautiful that I don't feel like going to class.

We're having such beautiful weather that I don't feel like going to class.

6. Grandpa held me so tightly that I couldn't breathe for a moment.

Grandpa gave me such a tight hug that I couldn't breathe for a moment.

20. "Snow', The Little DogSnow was missing. David searched allover for him, but he could not find Snow Daviddid not give up. After two weeks, he went to theSuddenly, a small, brown dog with fourwhite paws ran to meet him. "Snow, you areback," cried David. He hugged his pet."Hellol" another boy said. "I am HenryYou know my dog. Popo?"woods to look for Snow again."Snow Snow" he calledPo​


"Snow ', Anji*g Kecil

Salju hilang. David mencari semuanya

untuknya, tetapi dia tidak dapat menemukan Snow David

tidak menyerah. Setelah dua minggu, dia pergi ke

Tiba-tiba, seekor anji*g kecil berwarna coklat dengan empat orang

cakar putih berlari menemuinya. "Snow, kamu

kembali, "seru David. Dia memeluk hewan peliharaannya.

"Hellol" kata anak laki-laki lain. "Saya Henry

Kamu tahu anji*gku. Popo? "

hutan untuk mencari Snow lagi.

"Salju Salju" serunya


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