Saturday, February 25, 2023

Contoh Daily Activity Cleaning Service

Contoh Daily Activity Cleaning Service

contoh daily activity

1. contoh daily activity

i usually wake up at five o'clock every morning. then i take a bath and have breakfast. i go to school with my father. i usually take a nap after have lunch. at three o'clock, i help my mother to water the flowers and then i play with my friends. at six o'clock, i take a bath and have dinner with my family. i watch television for a while, and then i study and do my homework. i go to bed at ten o'clock.
Contoh Teks Daily Activities (kegiatan sehari-hari di rumah)What are some of the daily activities that you do at home?

Apa kegiatan sehari-hari yang sering anda lakukan di rumah?)
wake up
at 7am every morning. I
press the snooze button
five times every morning before I
turn off the alarm
get up
. I
have a cup of coffee
make breakfast.
I usually
read thenewspaper
while I
have breakfast
. My children

2. contoh daily activity

Contohnya seperti (i get up 05.00) sampai kamu tidur lagiexample : *daily tenses..sehingga harus present tense (the habitual tense)
-shopping online
- wash hair daily
- take a yoga and breath peacily silently
- study till the night
- routine to medically checks up
- fry the bakery
- drawing on the calkboard now

3. Apa contoh Daily Activity ?

I wake up at 7am every morning.  I press the snooze button five times every morning before I turn off the alarm and get up. I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper while I have breakfast. My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast but I like to have a shower before I get dressed.  My wife brushes her long hair, and I have short hair so I comb my hair. 
ya kaya, kegiatan sehari-hari lu apa aja??

4. contoh kalimat daily activity

- I sleep every night at 9.00 pm.
- I wake up every morning at 6.00 am

5. contoh daily activity singkat

Ini singkat yaa, tpi dlm bentuk paragraf tapi bisa di bikin jadi point" ;)

I woke up at 5 am. Then I got up to take Subuh prayer. Afterward I tidied up my bathroom such as opening the window, turning off the lamp, sweeping the floor and arranging my pillow and bolsters and folding my blanket.After that I went outside my house to work out. I did jogging around my house then I pushed up and sit up to build my muscle. After doing sport, I took a rest for a while. Then I took bath on my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Next I got dress my school uniform and looked to the mirror. I took mycomb then I combed my hair.

While I prepared to go to school, my mother made me a breakfast in the kitchen. Then my mother called me to have a breakfast and then I went out from my bedroom to have a breakfast. I saw my father reading a newspaper in the living room so I asked my father to have a breakfast together. We had a breakfast at 7.30 am. After having breakfast, my mother gave me a glass of milk so I drank the milk. Afterwards, I helped my mother to clean the dishes. Next I used my shoes and prepared my motorcycle from the garage. Before I went to school, I asked permission to my mother and my father and shook their hands. Then I turned on my motorcycle and went to school.take a bath..........

6. contoh daily activity

Reading, Playing footbal, Cooking, Shooping, Morning
I wake up at five to half o'clock
I take à bath at five o'clock
I breakfast at five past half
I go to school at six o'clock

Selanjutnya kAyak kegiatan kamu pagi , siang , malam

7. contoh my daily activity

From Monday to Saturday, I usually wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I need to prepare myself to school. There are many activities I have to do before going to school.

First of all, I do my bed until it is very tidy. After that, I sweep the floor. I love to see my room neat and clean. When I still feel sleepy, I walk around my house. Also, I do some physical movements to stretch my body.

Then, I prepare some books based on schedule. I do not want to leave any book at home. I wash my face, brush my teeth, then have a shower. Finally, I eat breakfast after wearing my school uniform. Before going to school I hug my parents. I enjoy learning time at school and like to play with my friends too.

The school finishes at 1 p.m. After school, I change my uniform then have lunch. I usually help parents to cook for our dinner and help to wash dishes after eating. After watching TV for one hour, I study and do my homework. At the end, I go to sleep at 9 p.m.

8. contoh my daily activity

i woke up at 6.00 am and then  i took a bath and wore my uniform after that, i grab my breakfest and going to school
I always wake up at 05.00 am, then I go to bathroom for take a bath. After that I prayer and breakfast. Breakfast is finished usually at 06.00 am. Then I am getting ready for go to school.

9. contoh daily activity di rumah​


clean the window

sweeping the house

clean the floor

wash the dishes


and other

10. contoh teks daily activity

I wake up at 7am every morning.  I press the snooze button five times every morning before I turn off the alarm and get up. I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper while I have breakfast. My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast but I like to have a shower before I get dressed.  My wife brushes her long hair, and I have short hair so I comb my hair. Everyday, I usually get up early in the morning at 05.00 a.m. I brush my teeth and take a bath. Then I put on my uniform, have breakfast and sometimes watch the news or cartoon on TV. I go to school at 06.30 a.m. I usually go to school by bicycle. My class begins at 07.00 a.m. I’m in class from 07.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. My school takes a rest at 10.00 a.m. I usually go to the library for reading and student’s canteen with the others for having snacks. At 10.45 a.m. I go to class and continue my subjects. Around 01.00 p.m. the bell rings. It tells us that our class is over. I return home. I arrive home at 01.30 p.m. Next, I put off my uniform and change to clothes. later i watch television and then sleep. at 05.00 p.m I brush my teeth and take a bath.. I have dinner and prepare my subjects for tomorrow, study and sometimes watch TV. Then, I go to bed at 09.00 p.m.

11. Tuliaskan contoh Daily Activity / Daily Habit !!!

Go to school, eat breakfast, take a bath, brush your teeth, study, go to work, working, go to gym, meditate every morning, etc.

Mau lihat contoh contoh lainnya, cari di search engines dengan format -> examples of daily activity. Saya sarankan buka website yang khusus buat vocabulary karena disana ada penjelasan tentangnya juga.

Semoga membantu.

12. contoh daily activity sebagai mahasiswa

At seven o'clock I go to university to study and reach my dream.

Semoga membantu :-)

13. contoh daily activity sebagai mahasiswa​

Hello, good morning. Let me introduce myself My name is candra. Today I will to tell you about my daily activities. I wake up always 6 a.m......................................
that is my daily activities. Thank you for your attention. bye

First of all, I do my bed until it is very tidy. After that, I sweep the floor. I love to see my room neat and clean. When I still feel sleepy, I walk around my house. Also, I do some physical movements to stretch my body.

Then, I prepare some books based on schedule. I do not want to leave any book at home. I wash my face, brush my teeth, then have a shower. Finally, I eat breakfast after wearing my school uniform. Before going to school I hug my parents. I enjoy learning time at school. I like to play with my friends too.

The school finishes at 1 p.m. After school, I change my uniform then have lunch. I usually help parents to cook for our dinner then help to wash dishes after eating. After watching TV for one hour, I study and do my homework. At the end, I go to sleep at 9 p.m.

14. 20 contoh daily activity

Jawaban :

Daily activity adalah suatu kegiatan yang kita lakukan sehari hari

Contoh daily activity beserta artinya :

1. Play = bermain
2. Sleep = tidur
3. Eat = makan
4. Draw = menggambar
5. Dance = menari
6. Drive = mengendarai
7. Read = membaca
8. Buy = membeli
9. Sell = menjual
10. Talk = berbicara
11. Sweep = menyapu
12. Use = memakai
13. Type = mengetik
14. Drink = meminum
15. Cook = memasak
16. Listen = mendengarkan
17. Count = menghitung
18. Shop = berbelanja
19. Click = menekan
20. Wash = mencuci

#GotoschoolPertanyaan : 20 Contoh daily actifity !

Jawab :

Contoh Daily Actifity :

1.) Berolahraga = Sport

- Bermain Bola = Playing Footbal
- Bermain Bulu tangkis = Playing Badminton
- Bermain Bola Basket = Playing Basket Ball
- Bermain Bola Voli = Playing Volyball

2.) Berkebun = Gardening
3.) Memancing = Fishing
4.) Menggambar = Drawing
5.) Mewarnai = Painting
6.) Berenang = Swiming
7.) Singing = Bernyanyi
8.) Memasak = Cooking
9.) Bermain = Playing
10.) Joging = Joging


Penjelasan nya : Daily Actifity adalah sesuatu yang kita lakukan sehari², Daily Actifity diartikan dengan = Aktivitas sehari-hari.

Maat Kalo salah ya:) ^_^
Semoga membantu ya


15. contoh daily activity

watching TV
go To school
etc.eating. . took a bath. . . helping our parents. . . studying. . . begitulah kira kira

16. contoh daily activity ayah

1. Go to work
2. Listening a music
3. Playing guitar
4. Watching Television

Maaf Kalau Salah... Saya juga masih belajar

17. contoh daily activity

wake up at (.... AM)
take a bath at (...AM)
go to school at (...AM)
etc. pkoknya yg brhbungan dngn kgiatn shri"

18. contoh daily activity​


>mandi – have a bath

>sarapan – breakfast

>belajar – study.


Daily activity adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan sehari-hari atau disebut juga rutinitas kita sehari-hari

19. contoh daily activity sebagai mahasiswa

mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik

20. contoh kalimat daily activity

I always wake up early in the morning.
I take a bath at 5 a.m.
I have breakfast at 6 o'clock.
I go to school after breakfast.
I sometimes go to school by bus.
I arrive at school before the bell rings. The lesson starts at 7 a.m.
I have a break at 9 o'clock.
I go home at 1 p.m.
I have lunch after school.
I often play football in the afternoon.
I always study after watching TV in the evening. I have dinner with my family.
I like to watch OVJ at Trans 7 every night. I never go to bed before 10 p.m.

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