Monday, November 7, 2022

From The Passage We Learn That The Villages Were

From The Passage We Learn That The Villages Were

8. From the passage we learn that the villageswere....a. Located in one huge areab. Situated in a large districtc. Separated by untamed jungles.d. Wild and unsafe​

1. 8. From the passage we learn that the villageswere....a. Located in one huge areab. Situated in a large districtc. Separated by untamed jungles.d. Wild and unsafe​


b.Terletak di distrik yang besar


8. Dari perikop tersebut kita mengetahui bahwa desa-desa

adalah ....

a. Terletak di satu area besar

b. Terletak di distrik yang besar

c. Dipisahkan oleh hutan liar.

d. Liar dan tidak aman

2. we know from the passage that​


our brain


karena otak sumber informasi bagi kita sendiri

3. From the passage we can infer that


I can not find the passage in this, will you please insert the question?


4. from the text we learn that

b. aida just graduated from school B. Aida just graduated from school

5. what is the moral vatue or the lesson that we can learn from the story​


apa nilai moral atau hikmah yang bisa kita petik dari cerita tersebut

Penjelasan:jiika salah maafkan lah ^-^


what is the moral vatue or the lesson that we can learn from the story=Apa nilai moral dari pelajaran yang bisa kita petik dari cerita tersebut.


ngomong ngomong ceritanya mana aku nggak bisa jawab kalau nggak ada ceritanya:)

kalau translate nya aku tau

6. we can learn from the text that

kalau artinya

Kita bisa belajar dari teks itu

kita bisa belajar dari teks itu

semoga bisa membantu

7. Apa artinya from the story we can learn that we should not...

cerita yang kita belajar seharusnya tidak

Dari cerita tersebut kita dapat belajar bahwa kita tidak boleh melakukan

8. From the text we can learn that​


Dari teks itu kita bisa belajar

9. From the story we can learn that


Dari cerita itu kita bisa mempelajarinya

maaf klo salah


From the story we can learn that

Dari cerita itu kita bisa mempelajarinya


you can learn a kind caracter

10. On having no more food in the forest, …a.the villages were robbed by the monkeys by taking their fruitsb.the farmers’ fruits were taken by the monkeys in the was the farmers’ fruits in the villages that the monkeys were takend.he monkeys went down to the villages to take the farmers’ fruitse.that the monkeys went down to the villages to take farmers’ fruitsjawab dong please darurat lagi uts​


pertanyaanya kan

•karena tidak ada makana lagi di hutan....


e.that the monkeys went down to the villages to take farmers’ fruits

( monyet pergi ke desa untuk mengambil buah petani)


11. From the story we can learn that


Pada cerita tersebut kita dapat mempelajari..?

Lain kali pertanyaan nya lebih jelas ya de >< semangat terus belajarnya ^^ - mizy

12. from the passage we understand that soil erosian in America?​

Jawaban:ai es gram gud laik


13. from the text we learn that​


dari teks kita belajar hal itu


dari teks tsb kita dapat mempelajari bahwa....

14. 35. We can learn from the story 25 poithat-------​


Everyday life

(kehidupan sehari - hari).


maaf jika jawaban saya salah

15. from the text we learn that​


Don't teach people with violence as they will become as violence and not gain any knowledge

16. from the story,we can learn that​


Dari ceritera itu, kita dapat mempelajarinya.

17. Arti kata from the text we can learn that

Jawaban:dari teks kita bisa belajar itu



Arti kata tersebut adalah : dari teks kita bisa belajar itu


Maaf kalau salah(:

18. from the text we can learn that

Jawabnya obsen A. maaf jika salahA.( penulis merasa puas dengan liburannya)

Semoga membantu(:

19. We learn from the text that prudly present

artinya; Kita belajar dari teks itu bahwa prudly hadir

20. from the text we learn that

take care the evironment you and dont the cut down trees irresponsibly

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