Monday, December 26, 2022

Nuri Pours Some Salt Into The Soup

Nuri Pours Some Salt Into The Soup

Nuri pours some salt into the soup

Daftar Isi

1. Nuri pours some salt into the soup


Nuri menuangkan garam ke dalam sup



Nuri menuangkan garam ke dalam sup.

# Semoga Membantu

2. change these sentences into passive voice/sentences1.Nuri pours some salt in to the soup​

≡ Passive Voice ≡

Some salt is poured into the soup by Nuri.


Passive voice adalah kalimat yang subjeknya merupakan penerima dari suatu aksi (korbannya), sedangkan objeknya adalah pelaku dari aksi tersebut.

pola kalimat: aux. + verb 3

based on question

Present simple

(av) Subject + verb 1 + O/C

(pv) Subject + is/am/are + verb 3 + by (agent)

– active

Nuri pours some salt in to the soup.

Nuri menuang sejumlah garam ke dalam sup.

– passive

Some salt is poured into the soup by Nuri.

Sejumlah garam dituang ke dalam sup oleh Nuri.

verb on question

Regular verbs atau kata kerja beraturan adalah verba yang bentuk past tense dan past participle-nya ditandai dengan adanya akhiran -d atau -ed.

➡ pour - poured - poured

menuang, menambahkan


:: semoga membantu ::


Passive voice


Grade: 9

Subject: English

Chapter: Passive voice

Categorization code: 9.5.8

Keywords: pour, passive voice

3. Ubahkan menjadi kalimat pasif aydil pours some salt into the soup

Jawaban: some salt is poured into the soup by Aydil


Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai suatu perbuatan atau aktivitas. Sehingga apabila ada kalimat aktif maka harus diubah peletakan subjeknya.

4. Mother has put some ... into the soup.


Mother has put some spices in the soup.


Ibu telah memasukkan sedikit bumbu ke dalam sup.

maaf kalau salah

5. Nuri (pour )some salt into the soupWe Will (rent) a car for tomorrowhe buy a bag last weekI save my money in the bank the cat eat a fish last night Rubah ke passive voice kak​


1. Some salt are poured into the soup by Nuri.

2. A car are rented by us for tomorrow.

3. A bag was bought by him last week.

4. My money are saved in the bank by me.

5. A fish was ate by the cat last night.


Simple Present Tense

Active voice

Subject + infinitive + object

Passive voice

S + to be + past participle + by object

6. 3. The soup is tasteless. ... The correct instruction for the situation is .... a. Give me some salt. b. Stir the soup. C. Take some sand. d. Add some water into the soup. bantu jawab​


d. add some water into the soup smoga membantu

7. nuri pouts some salt into the soup (ubah ke passive voice ?)​


some salt are put by nuri into the soup. semoga membantu ^^

8. 1.My mother puts some salt in the soup. ​


ibuku menaru beberapa garam di sup


di terjemahkan ya kan


Ibuku memasukkan garam ke dalam sup.


wht this meaning??

atau ini diterjemahkan?

Whatever that, jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya

Jangan lupa follow^^

9. My sister puts too ........... salt into the soup. a. Some b. Many c. Much d. Any

my sister puts too ... salt into the soup.

b. many

semoga membantu

My sister puts too much salt into the soup.



Much > Digunakan untuk uncountabel noun/

Kata benda yang sulit dihitung




**✿❀ Semoga Membantu ❀✿**

10. 1 yuni buys ........ books from the bookstore 2 mother puts ....... salt into the soup

1. Yuni buys some books from the bookstore 2. Mother puts some salt into the soup1 yuni buys SOME books from the bookstore
2 mother puts FEW salt into the soup

11. id like to make some soup i need..... salt

id like to make some soup i need some salt
semoga membantu
I'd like to make some soup, I need some salt.

maaf  jika salah ..
semoga membantu yaa .. :D

12. translate the sentences of passive voice form into bahasa indonesia 1. The food was hidden under the table last night by riki apartment near the beach had been bought by them 3.some salt is poured into the soup by nuri Please bantu jawab yah please banget


1. Makanan tadi malam disembunyikan di bawah meja oleh riki

2. sebuah apartemen di dekat pantai telah dibeli oleh mereka

3. sedikit garam dituangkan ke dalam sup dengan nuri

13. Change these sentences into passive Form 3. a. The doctor had detected the virus b. Nuri pours some salt into the soup 4. Pamela read an adventure book a big lion bit a Zebra


3. a. The doctor had detected the virus

The virus had been detected by the doctor.

b. Nuri pours some salt into the soup

Some salt is poured into the soup by Nuri.

4. Pamela read an adventure book

An adventure book was read by Pamela.

a. a big lion bit a Zebra

A zebra was bitten by a big lion.


Semua kalimat di atas merupakan bentuk Passive Voice. Untuk nomor 4 (Pamela read an adventure book) dan 4 a. (A big lion bit a zebra) kalimat aktifnya merupakan bentuk Simple Past Tense sehingga kalimat pasifnya juga harus mengikuti bentuk Simple Past Tense.

Rumus Passive Voice:

1. Passive Voice [Simple Present Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Verb3

2. Passive Voice [Present Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (is/am/are) + being + Verb3

3. Passive Voice [Present Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + have/has + been + Verb3

4. Passive Voice [Simple Past Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Verb 3

5. Passive Voice [Past Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Being + Verb3

6. Passive Voice [Past Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + had + been + Verb3

7. Passive Voice [Simple Future Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will + be + Verb3

8. Passive Voice [Future Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will be + being + Verb3

9. Passive Voice [Future Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will have + been + Verb3

Semoga membantu ya.

14. Changed into passive 1. My brother finds $10 on the way home 2. Anthony saved a kitten on a tree 3.leon is freeding cats in his neighborhood 4..rion will be acaccompained by Mr.peter 5.fried chickens have been sold by joe 6.santiago and renata will rent a limousine for their prom 7. Nuri pours some salt into soup



1.Active: My brother finds $10 on the way home

Passive: $10 is found by my brother on the way home

tense : present tense

2. Active:Anthony saved a kitten on a tree

Passive: a kitten was saved by Anthony on a tree

tense; past tense

3.Active: leon is freeding cats in his neighborhood

Passive: cats are being freeded by Leon in his neighborhood

tense: present continuous

4.Passive; rion will be accompanied by Mr.peter

Active: Mr.peter will accompany rio

tense: future tense

5.passive :fried chickens have been sold by joe

active: Joe has sold fried chickens

6.Active:santiago and renata will rent a limousine for their prom

Passive:a limousine will be rented by Santiago and renata for their prom

tense:future tense

7.Active: Nuri pours some salt into soup

passive :some salt is poured by Nuri into soup

tense: present tense


15. 1.The president Will built a new hospital near the airport2. Sarah eats all the Apples3. Robots make the Cars4. Andien pours some salt into the soup5. A big lion bit a zebra6. She is reading fashion magazine in the lobbyubah ke kalimat pasif pliss​

1. A new hospital will be built by the president near the airport.

2. All the apples are eaten by Sarah.

3. The cars are made by robots.

4. Some salt is poured into the soup by Andien.

5. A zebra is bitten by a big lion.

6. Fashion magazine is being read bye her in the lobby.

16. mahir pours......into the cup​

mahir pours water into the cup (water=air)

maaf kalo salah ^•^

17. 1. we see many beautiful handicraft in this exhibition.2. he studies english every wednesday.3. raka pours some salt into the soup ubah jadi kalimat pasif​

1. many beautiful handicraft are seen by us in this exhibition

2. English is studied by him every wednesday

3. some salt is poured by raka into the soup

tolong jadiin jawaban tercerdas

18. 2.The chicken soup is ... than the cornsoup.a. the saltiest d. the most saltb. saltiere. as salt asC. more salt​


The chicken soup is "the saltiest soup" than the corn



19. Change the following active sentences into passive voice!1. Nuri pours some salt into the soup.2. A buffalo has pulled the cart for 6 miles.3. He was saving his money in the bank.4. Manchester United will defeat Arsenal F.C. on final.5. They bought an apartment near the beach.​


Nuri pours some salt into the soup.



A buffalo has pulled the cart for 6 miles.



He was his saving money in the bank.

Money was savedbyhiminthebank.


Manchester United will defeat Arsenal F.C on final



They bought an apartment near the beach.


20. 3. The soup is tasteless. ...The correct instruction for thesituation is ....a. Give me some salt.b. Stir the soup.c. Take some sand.d. Add some water into the soup.​


a. Give me some salt


The correct instruction for the situation is give me some salt (A).

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