Saturday, March 4, 2023

Revolt Artinya

Revolt Artinya

revolt paradise adalah karya

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1. revolt paradise adalah karya

K’tut Tantri
Buku asli, adalah edisi Amerika Serikat, yang diterbitkan oleh Harper & Brothers New York tahun 1961.
Buku yang kemudian jadi milik saya ini, bersampul tebal, kulit seperti umunya buku-buku cetakan lama, adalah edisi Indonesia,  penerbitan yang ke-15 kalinya, alih bahasa oleh Major Abdul Bar Salim dan dicetak oleh P.N.Fadjar Bhakti –  Percetakan Jakarta III, penerbit Mega Bookstore, karya-karya bernilai di Jakarta pada April 1964. (Menggunakan ejaan lama Bahasa Indonesia tentunya)
Tulisan-tulisan singkat beberapa tokoh hebat Indonesia-pun ikut menghiasi halaman-halaman awal buku karya K’tut  Tantri ini ( tertanggal 26 Mei 1964) :K'tut tantri
buku asli adalah edisi amerika serikat , yang diterbitkan oleh Harper dan Brothers new york tahun 1961.


2. Roman Revolt in Paradise adalah karya dari....


muriel pearson


menceritakan pengalaman romantis-heroiknya di Indonesia selama tahun 1932 sampai dengan 1947.

3. cara agar royalt revolt 2 terhubung ke server

pake wifi lol....
maaf klo salah

4. The following passage refers to questions 25-29.The victory of the small Greek democracy of Athens over the mighty Persian Empire in 490 B.C. is one of the most famous events in history. Darius, king of the Persian Empire, was furious because Athens had interceded for the other Greek city-states in revolt against Persian domination. In anger the king sent an enormous army to defeat Athens. He thought it would take drastic steps to pacify the rebellious part of the empire.Persia was ruled by one man. In Athens, however, all citizens helped to rule. Ennobled by this participation, Athenians were prepared to die for their city-state. Perhaps this was the secret of the remarkable victory at Marathon, which freed them from Persian rule. On their way to Marathon, the Persians tried to fool some Greek city-states by claiming to have come in peace. The frightened citizens of Delos refused to believe this. Not wanting to abet the conquest of Greece, they fled from their city and did not return until the Persians had left. They were wise, for the Persians next conquered the city of Eritrea and captured its people.Tiny Athens stood alone against Persia. The Athenian people went to their sanctuaries. There they prayed for deliverance. They asked their gods to expedite their victory. The Athenians refurbished their weapons and moved to the plain of Marathon, where their little band would meet the Persians. At the last moment, soldiers from Plataea reinforced the Athenian troops.The Athenian army attacked, and Greek citizens fought bravely. The power of the mighty Persians was offset by the love that the Athenians had for their city. Athenians defeated the Persians in both archery and hand combat. Greek soldiers seized Persian ships and burned them, and the Persians fled in terror. Herodotus, a famous historian, reports that 6,400 Persians died, compared to only 192 Athenians.25. Athens had _________ the other Greek city-states against the Persians. A. refused help to B. intervened on behalf of C. wanted to fight D. given orders for all to fight E. defeated26. Darius took drastic steps to ________ the rebellious Athenians. A. weaken B. destroy C. calm D. irritate E. Answer not available27. Their participation _________ to the Athenians. A. gave comfort B. gave honor C. gave strength D. gave fear E. gave hope28. The people of Delos did not want to ______ the conquest of Greece. A. end B. encourage C. think about D. daydream about E. Answer not available29. The Athenians were _________ by some soldiers who arrived from Plataea. A. welcomed B. strengthened C. held D. captured E. Answer not available

a,b,c, maaf kalo salah

5. Dibutuhkan segeraaa!!! The Java War of 1825-1830 constituted the last resistance of the Javanese aristocracy to Dutch rule. Its central figure was Pangeran Diponegoro, eldest son of the Sultan of Yogyakarta. The immediate cause of Diponegoro’s revolt in 1825 was the Dutch decision to build a road across a piece of his property that contained a sacred tomb. Thereupon ensued the Java War, a bitter guerilla conflict in which as many as 200,000 Javanese died in fighting or from indirect causes. In the second Dutch military aggression in 1948, Yogyakarta which became the capital of the Indonesian state was occupied by Dutch. Soedirman, who was weak and ill forced himself to participate in the war against the Allied forces. Stretchered from one to other mountains and forests for approximately seventh months, he led the attacks and supported Indonesian army to fight. Although President Soekarno asked him to go back home and have rest, he refused and keep struggling till the last breath. Questions 1. When did the Java War begin? 2. What was the cause of the war? 3. “Thereupon ensued the Java War, a bitter guerilla conflict….”. What is the similar meaning of the italicized word? 4. “Its central figure was Pangeran Diponegoro, eldest son of the Sultan of Yogyakarta.”. What does the word its refer to? 5. How many people passed away during the war? 6. What can we conclude from the text? 7. Who is the central figure of the second Ducth military aggression 1948? 8. Which of the following sentences is true based on the text? -The Dutch occupied Yogyakarta in 1948 -Presiden Soekarno was weak and had to rest -General Soedirman was ill when he led his army to fight the Dutch -General Soedirman refused President Soekarno’s awards -President Soekarno asked general Soedirman to fight the Dutch 9.… refused and keep struggling till the last breath……The word refused has the closest meaning to….. 10.What is the text mainly about?


From 1825 to 1830The immediate cause of Diponegoro’s revolt in 1825 was the Dutch decision to build a road across a piece of his property that contained a sacred tombfierceJavanese aristocracy200,000 Javanese died Soedirman had high spirit against Allied forceSoedirmanGeneral Soedirman was ill when he led  his army to fight the dutchDeclineSecond military aggression

Semoga ngebantu ya :)

6. tolong banget ya buat UAS besok1. orang yg menguasai dan menjajah langsung suatu daerah disebut ...2. orang pertama yg mengagaskan kata "Indonesia" untuk menyebut daerah kepulauan di Nusantara adalah ....3. the indian army which staged a revolt against EIC in 1857 is called ....4. the Gowa's sultan which revolt against the Dutch East Indies is ....​

1. Penjajah

2. James Richardson Logandan George Samuel Windson Earl (gtw bener apa gk)

3. Sepoy(?)

4. Sultan Hassanudin

7. bagi yang punya game royal revolt 2 gimana cara hubungkan ke server yang tidak terhubung

datanya harus on mungkin........................................

8. PROPER LESSON1. Reading and WritingTask 2Read the highlights of Indonesia's long historical journey, since the Dutch colonialism until theproclamation of Indonesia's independence. Then, complete the table with the right year. Compareyour answers with your partner's.Indonesian Independence DayThe Beginning of Dutch ColonialismIn their search for spices, the Portuguese arrived in Indonesia in 1511, followed by the Spaniards.Later, the Dutch also started their search for spices in Indonesia, which they sold in European marketswith big profits, and established the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in 1602.In 1605, Dutch colonialism began to have a foothold over Indonesian territories. The capital of SundaKelapa was named "Batavia" by the Dutch.British Temporary RuleIn 1714, the British came to Indonesia and built Fort York in Bengkulu on the west coast of Sumatrawhich was later renamed Fort Marlborough. The British stayed in Bengkulu until 1825.During the Napoleonic wars in Europe when Holland was occupied by France, Indonesia fell under therule of the British East India Company (1811-1816). Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles was appointed LieutenantGovernor General of Java and dependencies.Return of Dutch ColonialismSoon the Dutch strengthened their colonial rule. But this only sparked rebellions to seize freedom.Thomas Matulessy (Pattimura) staged a revolt against the Dutch in the Moluccas (1816-1818). PrinceDiponegoro of Mataram led a fierce struggle for freedom which was known as the Java War from 1825-1830. Tuanku Imam Bonjol led the Padri War in West Sumatera, while Teuku Umar headed the Aceh Warin North Sumatera (1873-1903). King Sisingamangaraja of the Bataks revolved against the Dutch in 1907.An attempt by the Dutch troops to occupy Bali in 1908 was repelled by King Udayana. Revolts were alsoerupting in Goa, South Sulawesi, and in South Kalimantan.Nationalist MovementsWhen all those regional wars of independence failed, Indonesian nationalists began thinking of amore organized struggle against Dutch colonialism. The move began with the founding of Boedi Oetomoby Dr. Soetomo on 20 May 1908. This organization of Indonesian intellectuals was initially set up foreducational purposes but later turned into politics.In 1924, Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Indonesia (the Indonesian Students Association) was formed byDrs. Mohammad Hatta, Dr. Sukiman and others. This organization became a driving force of the nationalistmovement to gain independence.On 28 October 1928, delegates to Indonesian Youth Congress in Jakarta pledged commitment toOne Nation, One Motherland and One Language. The "Indonesia Raya" song was introduced for the firsttime at the 2nd Indonesian Youth Congress by its composer, Wage Rudolf Supratman.The Japanese OccupationAfter the Japanese attacks of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, Japanese Armed Forces occupied severalSoutheast Asian countries. After the fall of Singapore, Japanese invaded the Dutch East Indies and theDutch colonial army surrendered in March 1942. Soekarno and Hatta were released from their detention.ProclamationThe final defeat of Japan after the dropping of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 6thand 9 of August 1945 prompted the Japanese to surrender unconditionally to the Allies. This constitutesan ample opportunity for Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta to proclaim Indonesia's independenceon 17 August 1945. The draft was prepared only a few hours before earlier, on the night of August 16, bySoekarno, Hatta, and a student named Subarjo.Adapted from: DayofRepublicofindonesia.asptolong terjemahkan ya kak​


Awal Mula Kolonialisme Belanda

Dalam pencarian mereka untuk rempah-rempah, Portugis tiba di Indonesia pada tahun 1511, diikuti oleh orang-orang Spanyol. Belakangan, Belanda juga mulai mencari rempah-rempah di Indonesia, yang mereka jual di pasar Eropa

dengan keuntungan besar, dan mendirikan Dutch East India Company (VOC) pada 1602. Pada 1605, kolonialisme Belanda mulai memiliki pijakan di wilayah Indonesia. Ibukota Sunda

Kelapa dinamai "Batavia" oleh Belanda.Peraturan Sementara Inggris

Pada 1714, Inggris datang ke Indonesia dan membangun Fort York di Bengkulu di pantai barat Sumatra yang kemudian dinamai Fort Marlborough. Inggris tetap di Bengkulu sampai 1825. Selama perang Napoleon di Eropa ketika Belanda diduduki oleh Perancis, Indonesia jatuh di bawah aturan British East India Company (1811-1816). Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles diangkat sebagai Letnan Gubernur Jenderal Jawa dan dependensi. Kembalinya Kolonialisme Belanda

Segera Belanda memperkuat pemerintahan kolonial mereka. Tapi ini hanya memicu pemberontak. Thomas Matulessy (Pattimura) melancarkan pemberontakan terhadap Belanda di Maluku (1816-1818). Pangeran Diponegoro dari Mataram memimpin perjuangan sengit untuk kebebasan yang dikenal sebagai Perang Jawa dari 1825-1830. Tuanku Imam Bonjol memimpin Perang Padri di Sumatera Barat, sementara Teuku Umar memimpin Perang Aceh di Sumatera Utara (1873-1903). Raja Sisingamangaraja dari Batak berputar melawan Belanda pada tahun 1907. Upaya pasukan Belanda untuk menduduki Bali pada tahun 1908 ditolak oleh Raja Udayana. Pemberontakan juga terjadi di Goa, Sulawesi Selatan, dan di Kalimantan Selatan. Gerakan Nasionalis Ketika semua perang kemerdekaan regional itu gagal, kaum nasionalis Indonesia mulai memikirkan perjuangan yang lebih terorganisir melawan kolonialisme Belanda. Langkah ini dimulai dengan pendirian Boedi Oetomo oleh Dr. Soetomo pada 20 Mei 1908. Organisasi intelektual Indonesia ini awalnya dibentuk untuk tujuan pendidikan tetapi kemudian berubah menjadi politik. Pada tahun 1924, Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Indonesia (Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia) dibentuk oleh

Drs. Mohammad Hatta, Dr. Sukiman dan lainnya.

Organisasi ini menjadi kekuatan pendorong kaum nasionalis gerakan untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan. Pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1928, delegasi ke Kongres Pemuda Indonesia di Jakarta berjanji untuk Satu Bangsa, Satu Tanah Air dan Satu Bahasa. Lagu "Indonesia Raya" diperkenalkan untuk yang pertama waktu di Kongres Pemuda Indonesia ke-2 oleh komposernya, Wage Rudolf Supratman. Pendudukan Jepang Setelah serangan Jepang di Pearl Harbor di Hawaii, Angkatan Bersenjata Jepang menduduki beberapa Negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Setelah jatuhnya Singapura, Jepang menginvasi Hindia Belanda dan Belanda

Tentara kolonial Belanda menyerah pada bulan Maret 1942. Soekarno dan Hatta dibebaskan dari penahanan mereka. Proklamasi Kekalahan terakhir Jepang setelah dijatuhkannya bom atom di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki pada tanggal 6 dan 9 Agustus 1945 mendorong Jepang untuk menyerah tanpa syarat kepada Sekutu. Ini merupakan kesempatan yang luas bagi Ir. Soekarno dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta untuk memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia

pada 17 Agustus 1945. Draf disiapkan hanya beberapa jam sebelum sebelumnya, pada malam 16 Agustus oleh Soekarno, Hatta, dan seorang siswa bernama Subarjo.

9. salah satu contoh sejarah lokal adalah the peasant's revolt of Banten in 1888 karya​


Profesor Sartono Kartodirjo


Buku "Pemberontakan Petani Banten 1888" oleh sejarawan Profesor Sartono Kartodirjo, yang hari ini satu abad (lahir 15 Februari 1921), merupakan karya fenomenal sejarawan Indonesia. Buku yang merupakan tesis dengan judul "The Peasant's Revolt of Bantam in 1888.Its Condition.

10. find the meaning(bukan terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya, tapi artinya) and the synonym :-Revolt-Appears-Ancient-Dome-Collapsing-Empire-Impression-Decided-Convert-Conquest-Apse-Caliphs-Entrance-Nave-Secularized-Located-Conversion-Institution-Marble columns-Placed-Spacious building-The remains-Presence-Services-Reused-Minarets-Whitewash​



>>an attempt to put an end to the authority of a person or body by rebelling.



>>come into sight; become visible or noticeable, typically without visible agent or apparent cause.



>>belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.



>>a rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure, typically with a circular base.



>>(of a structure) fall down or in; give way.

>>fall down


>>an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress.



>>an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence.



>>(of a quality) define; unquestionable.



>>cause to change in form, character, or function.



>>the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force.



>>a large semicircular or polygonal recess in a church, arched or with a domed roof, typically at the eastern end, and usually containing the altar.

>>architectural glossary


>>the chief Muslim civil and religious ruler, regarded as the successor of Muhammad. The caliph ruled in Baghdad until 1258 and then in Egypt until the Ottoman conquest of 1517; the title was then held by the Ottoman sultans until it was abolished in 1924 by Atatürk.



>>an opening, such as a door, passage, or gate, that allows access to a place.



>>the central part of a church building, intended to accommodate most of the congregation. In traditional Western churches it is rectangular, separated from the chancel by a step or rail, and from adjacent aisles by pillars.



>>convert from religious to secular possession or use



>>discover the exact place or position of.



>>the process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another.



>>a society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose.



>>maaf yang ini gtw,,cuma kolom marmer gitu aja.


>>put in a particular position.



>>ini juga cuma diartikan bangunan yang luas


>>goods or something that is not used



>>the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing



>>the action of helping or doing work for someone.



>>use again or more than once.



>>a tall slender tower, typically part of a mosque, with a balcony from which a muezzin calls Muslims to prayer.



>>a solution of lime and water or of whiting, size, and water, used for painting walls white.



maaf ya aku ada yang kurang tau..

semoga membantu

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